Formulation factors affecting the binding properties of Chinese yam(Dioscorea oppositifolia) and cor

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liangzi_li1
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Objective:The quantitative effects of formulation and processing variables affecting the binding properties of Chinese yam starch(Dioscorea oppositifolia) in chloroquine phosphate tablet formulations have been investigated in comparison with corn starch using a 23 factorial experimental design.Methods:Chinese yam starch,representing the “low” level,and corn starch,representing the “high” level were used as binders at concentrations of 2.5%w/w and 10%w/w in chloroquine phosphate tablet formulations.The mechanical properties of the tablets,measured by the tensile strength(T) and brittle fracture index(BFI) as well as the release properties measured by the disintegration time(DT) and dissolution time(t_(80)- time for 80%drug release),were used as assessment parameters.Results:The ranking of the individual coefficient values for the formulations on T was D > N >>C,on BFI was N > D >>C,on DT was D > N > C and on t_(80) was C > N > D while the ranking of the interaction coefficient on T was N-D > C-D >> N-C,on BFI was N-D > N-C = C-D,on DT and t_(80) was N-C > N-D > C-D.Changing the binding agent from Chinese to corn starch,led to a decrease in T,DT and t_(80) but increase in BFI of the tablets.There were significant(P < 0.001 ) interactions between the nature of binder,N and the other two variables,C and D.Conclusion:The result showed that Chinese yam possessed stronger binding capacity than corn starch and could be useful as an alternative binder when tablets with high mechanical strength with minimal problems of lamination,and slow release are required. Objective: The quantitative effects of formulation and processing variables affecting the binding properties of Chinese yam starch (Dioscorea oppositifolia) in chloroquine phosphate tablet formulations have been investigated in comparison with corn starch using a 23 factorial experimental design.Methods:Chinese yam starch,representing the “low” level,and corn starch,representing the “high” level were used as binders at concentrations of 2.5%w/w and 10%w/w in chloroquine phosphate tablet formulations.The mechanical properties of the tablets, Measured by the tensile strength(T) and brittle fracture index(BFI) as well as the release properties measured by the disintegration time(DT) and dissolution time(t_(80)- time for 80% drug release),we used used as assessment parameters.Results:The ranking of the individual coefficient values ​​for the formulations on T was D > N >>C,on BFI was N > D >>C,on DT was D > N > C and on t_(80) was C > N > D while the ranking of the interaction coefficient on T Was ND > CD >> NC,on BFI was ND > NC = CD,on DT and t_(80) was NC > ND > CD.Changing the binding agent from Chinese to corn starch,led to a decrease in T,DT and T_(80) but increase in BFI of the tablets.There were significant(P < 0.001) interactions between the nature of binder,N and the other two variables,C and D.Conclusion:The result showed that Chinese yam possessed strong binding capacity Than corn starch and could be useful as an alternative binder when tablets with high mechanical strength with minimal problems of lamination,and slow release are required.
1945年Brotzu发现冠头孢菌(Cephalos pori-um aoremonium)的培养液具有独特的抗菌特性,对金黄色葡萄球菌产生的β内酰胺酶稳定,到1955年,从中分离出了头孢菌素C(cephalos po
近年来,随着互联网飞速发展,网络购物越来越受到人们青睐,改变着人们的购物习惯。  中国互联网络信息中心年初发布的第35次《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》显示,截至2014年12月,我国网民规模已达6.49亿,其中网络购物用户规模达3.61亿,相当于不到4个人中就有1人使用网络购物。网民使用网络购物的比例从2013年底的48.9%跃升至55.7%,网络购物呈快速增长之势。  由此带来的是中国经济发展
克念菌素(cannitracin)系由球孢放线菌的一个变种所产牛的抗真菌抗菌素。临床用于老年男性前列腺增生引起的排尿不畅有一定疗效。现将此药引起男性乳头疼痛2例报道如下。 例
维生素K为肝脏内合成凝血酶元的必需物质,除有促凝止血作用外,近年来尚发现有一些新用途,如::1.治疗毛细支气管炎、支气管炎、支气管肺炎: 维生素K是保证机体内磷酸根转移和