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民主促进会办的《民主》杂志,正在进行一场关于古代中国文化究竟有没有民主思想、民主传统的讨论。这本来是极平常的学术问题,不知怎的,如今却成为相当敏感的问题。当我读到这本杂志的时候,刚好一位朋友写信来,谈他今年2月间去檀香山参加一次国际文化研讨会的观感,除了说起近年西方又提起多年被冷落的黑格尔以外,特别向我传递一个信息:美国某大学一位华裔教授不久前作过一次演讲,最近 The “Democracy” magazine run by the Democratic Progressive Society is conducting a discussion on whether there is any democratic thought or democratic tradition in ancient Chinese culture. This is a very common academic problem. Somehow it has become quite a sensitive issue. When I read this magazine, just a friend wrote about his impression of going to Honolulu to attend an international cultural seminar in February this year. Apart from talking about the Hegel, who has been neglected for years in recent years in the West, , Especially to send a message to me: a professor at a university in the United States made a speech not long ago, recently
The magnetic properties of Fe_(72.5)Cu_1 Nb_2V_2Si_(13.5)B_9 alloy are investigated from an amorphous to a nanocrystalline and completecrystalline state. The s
侯关荣 上海明广卫生材料有限公司总经理 1984年—1989年 嘉定县经济技术开发公司部门经理 1989年—1994年 上海西比塔麻纺织染有限公司副总经理 1994年—1999年 上海东邦塑
(Ni,Pd)Al coating, prepared by low pressure pack cementation on the Ni-base superalloy M38 where Pd-20 wt pct Nialloy was predeposited, consists of a single β
对外贸易是经济增长的发动机,中国在亚太地区贸易地位的上升,反映出中国在地区内经济增长中所起的作用愈来愈大。 Foreign trade is the engine of economic growth. The ri
中国社会科学院《社会学研究》杂志编辑部邀集在京的部分社会学家,于11月6日举行了“中国社会学百年回顾与展望座谈会”。现将会议的主要观点综述如下: (一)关于中国社会学
Aim:To construct a recombinant retrovirus vector carrying human promyelocyticleukemia(PML)cDNA and identify its expression and biology role in bladdercancer UM
本文介绍了三峡滑坡仿真系统的总体结构与该系统主要功能模块的设计及实现。 This paper introduces the overall structure of the Three Gorges landslide simulation sys
推导了水轮机转轮中两相流的两流体基本方程,并利用k-ε-Ap两相湍流模型计算水轮机转轮中三维泥沙固液两相湍流。计算结果包括了液相和固相的主要流动特征。 The two fluid equat