
来源 :眼视光学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoqingxiaoming
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目的:了解激光老视逆转手术(LAPR)治疗老视的安全性、有效性及稳定性。方法:来自于阿根廷的35例61眼(A组)、印度的14例26眼(B组)接受手术治疗。年龄40~60岁,近视、远视和散光均小于1.0D,双眼未矫正视力大于或等于20/40,近附加度数大于+1.0D。采用紫外或红外激光于角巩缘外的巩膜区对 称性放射状切开4对(8条)切口,每条切口长度约4.5mm,深度约500μm至600μm,宽度约0.6~0.7mm,观察术后结果。结果:进行LAPR手术的87眼中有64眼术后近视力达到J3或更好。A组平均年龄为53.2岁,随访6m后发现:21眼(34.4%)近视力达J1,16眼(26.2%)近视力达J2,4眼(6.6%)近视力达J3,2眼(3.3%)近视力达J4,2眼(3.3%)近视力达J5,8眼(13.1%)近视力达J6。如果排除6个薄巩膜或切削浅的患者,结果则为:51%的患者近视力达J1或更好,90%的患者近视力达J2或更好,100%的患者近视力达J3以上。术后随访发现近视力无明显回退(最长随访时间为12m)。术前近附加为+1.0至+3.0D(平均+2.27D),术后进附加为0,0至+2.0D(平均+0.31D)。B组平均年龄为46.1岁,最短随访时间为8m,最长随访时间为28m,术前无一患者近视力可达J3,术后87.5%的患者可达到J3或更好。平均调节幅度由术前1.9D提高到术后3.6D(用Kadambi-Ranger调节测量尺测量),近附加由术前+1.7D? Objective: To understand the safety, efficacy and stability of labyrinth laser in the treatment of presbyopia. METHODS: Thirty-five eyes (group A) from Argentina (group A) and 14 eyes (group B, 26 eyes) from India underwent surgery. Age 40 to 60 years of age, myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism were less than 1.0D, eyes uncorrected visual acuity greater than or equal to 20/40, nearly additional degrees greater than + 1.0D. Four (8) incisions were excised radially using a UV or IR laser in the scleral area symmetry outside the corner margin, each with a length of about 4.5 mm, a depth of about 500 μm to 600 μm, and a width of about 0.6 to 0.7 mm. result. Results: Of the 87 eyes undergoing LAPR surgery, 64 had near-visual acuity of J3 or better. The mean age of group A was 53.2 years old. After 6 months of follow-up, 21 eyes (34.4%) had J1 and 16 eyes (26.2%), J2 and 4 eyes (6.6% %) Near vision up to J4,2 eyes (3.3%) Near vision up to J5,8 eyes (13.1%) Near vision up to J6. If you exclude 6 thin sclera or shallow patients, the result is: 51% of patients with near-vision J1 or better, 90% of patients with near-vision up to J2 or better, 100% of patients with near-vision of J3 or more. After follow-up found no significant regression of near vision (longest follow-up time of 12m). Near preoperative additions ranged from +1.0 to +3.0 D (mean + 2.27D) with an additional postoperative 0,0 to +2.0 D (mean + 0.31D). The average age of group B was 46.1 years, the shortest follow-up time was 8 m and the longest follow-up time was 28 m. None of the patients had near vision before operation, and 87.5% of patients achieved J3 or better after operation. The mean adjustment ranged from 1.9D preoperatively to 3.6D postoperatively (measured with a Kadambi-Ranger adjustment ruler), with an increase of approximately 1.7D from preoperative
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