无锡港培育三个市场 形成三块基地

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近年来,无锡港适应市场经济运作的新要求,充分发挥自身优势,致力增强竞争实力,不断在被动中争得主动、重点在培育“三个市场”、形成“三块基地”上下功夫。 1、培育货运市场,形成揽货、配载、仓储、运输的服务基地。 随着社会主义市场经济的逐步建立,港口货运市场发生了急剧变化,计划货源越来越小。面对这种局面,无锡港从扩大揽货力量着手,组建成立了货运服务公司,改变原来各个揽货点各自为政,自成一片,自找零食吃过日子的经营方式。刑成统一归类,集中管理,分散揽货,延长触角,兵团作战的经营方式,提高了参与市场竞争的能力,并且在服务、管理和经营中上轨道、上水平、上档次。这样为扩大货运市场占有率创造了条件。 2、培育物资市场,形成货场、码头、仓库、货物交换的集散基地。 无锡港基本上实行分类作业,也就是说某个作业区在某类物资上占有绝对的优势,而该作业区就在该类物资上开发利用延伸、引凤作巢。他们针对不少货主利用港区的货场、仓库、码头作为物资交换场地的这一现象,因势利导,利用空余办公用房或专门建造经营用房,出租写字台等,为其提供必要的经营场所和生活设施,尽可能提供方便,吸引更多的货主。有条件时,他们本身也积极参与经销。目前,已初步形 In recent years, Wuxi Port has been adapting to the new requirements of market economy operation, giving full play to its own advantages and devoting itself to strengthening its competitive strength. It has been actively pursuing initiative in passive operation. The focus is on nurturing “three markets” and forming “three bases”. 1, foster the freight market, the formation of Lanhuo, stowage, storage, transportation service base. With the gradual establishment of a socialist market economy, there has been a drastic change in the port cargo market, and the supply of planned goods has become smaller and smaller. Faced with this situation, Wuxi Port embarked on an effort to broaden its ability to obtain permits and set up a freight service company to change the mode of operation in which each of its own warehousing points was self-serving and self-contained and self-seeking snacks. Criminal into a unified classification, centralized management, scattered Lanhuo, to extend the tentacles, Corps combat mode of operation, improve the ability to participate in market competition, and in service, management and operation of the track, the level of the grade. This created the conditions for expanding the share of the freight market. 2, nurturing the material market, the formation of the yard, docks, warehouses, the exchange of goods distribution base. Basically, Wuxi Port operates classified operations. In other words, a certain operation area occupies an absolute superiority in certain types of materials. However, the operation area extends its use and development on such materials and leads the phoenix to make nests. They targeted many cargo owners to use the port’s goods yard, warehouses and wharves as a venue for the exchange of goods. It guided the best use of vacant office space or specialized commercial buildings and rented office desks to provide them with necessary business premises and living facilities Facilities to provide as much convenience as possible to attract more owners. When conditions permit, they themselves actively participate in the distribution. At present, the initial shape
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