毛泽东同志曾经说过:“领导者的责任,归结起来,主要地是出主意,用干部两件事。”用现在的话来说,一是决策,二是用人。对于企业领导者来说,决策是第一位的,决策的科学与否,对企业的生存和发展,具有决定性意义。 近几年来,我厂的生产经营受到资金、原材料、能源、市场等多方面的挑战,在这样严峻的形势面前,我们思考的当然不仅仅是以怎样的姿态去迎接挑战,而是要去寻求和探索一条既要能够提高企业经济效益,又要为国家积累财富的经营之路。1989年初,
Comrade Mao Tse-tung once said: “The responsibility of the leader can be summed up mainly by the idea of using cadres and two things.” In the present case, one is decision-making and the other is the employment. For business leaders, the decision-making is the first one, the scientific decision-making or not, for the survival and development of enterprises, is of decisive significance. In recent years, the production and operation of our factory has been challenged by many aspects such as capital, raw materials, energy and markets. In such a grim situation, of course, we should not only consider the attitude to meet the challenge, but seek to seek And to explore a business that should not only improve the economic efficiency of enterprises but also accumulate wealth for the country. In early 1989,