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我国经济体制改革的实际进程,已使人们日益认识到社会文化因素对改革成败的重大意义。当今社会可称之为文化的社会,各种文化现象接踵而来,企业文化、校园文化、机关文化、乡土文化等似潮水一般,越来越受到人们的关注。这个现象揭示了一个重要的发展方向:对当今社会生活任何一个方面的透彻了解都离不开与其相关文化形态的深刻分析。文化因素是领导者分析一个机关、一个学校、一个企业、一片地域的必不可少的条件。时代的发展表明,理解和分析现实文化形态、价值观念已不单纯是文化部门领导和文化工作者的事情,而是时代对领导素质的呼唤。一、时代要求领导者要有政治文化意识凡是领导活动,必然要求全体成员有统一的意 The actual progress of the economic reform in our country has made people increasingly recognize the great significance of social and cultural factors to the success or failure of the reform. Today’s society can be called a cultural society, various cultural phenomena come one after another, and corporate culture, campus culture, organ culture, local culture and other tide-like general, more and more people’s attention. This phenomenon reveals an important direction of development: a thorough understanding of any aspect of today’s social life can not be separated from a profound analysis of its related cultural forms. Cultural factors are the indispensable conditions for the leader to analyze an organ, a school, a business and a region. The development of the times shows that understanding and analyzing the cultural forms and values ​​of reality are not simply matters for the leaders of cultural departments and cultural workers, but the call of the times for leadership quality. First, the era requires leaders have a political and cultural awareness Any leadership activities, all members of the inevitable request of a unified
1976年美国费城爆发军团菌病(logionaires diseases,LD)以来,引起国内外高度重视,世界各地陆续有病例报道。但有关老年人军团菌肺炎的临床表现特点少有报道。现将1990年4月~1
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本文综述了近年来在临床上及实验动物应用的几种新抗癫痫药物,并介绍其药理和临床适应症。 This article reviews several new antiepileptic drugs used clinically and in
一过性完全遗忘(transient globalamnesia TGA)是一种症候群,1956年Bender首次报道,称为“伴有遗忘的精神错乱”(confusion with amnesia)同年Guyotat又以“遗忘发作”(ictu