走走党史红四方面军的长征和 红军两大主力的会师 ——红军长征之十五

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2003年9月走中央红军的长征路前,先去考察了红四方面军进行嘉陵江战役的主战场苍溪;在到泸定之后,又走了丹巴、道孚、炉霍、甘孜等地,这都属于红四方面军的长征路线。就是中央红军的长征路,包括四川阿坝,以及陕甘宁地区的许多地方,红四方面军也走过了。这样,红四方面军的长征路走了相当一部分。2004年7月,再走长征路,主要是走过去没走过的红四方面军开辟的川陕根据地及其由此出发进行的长征。近20天时间,走了达(州)、万(源)、通(江)、南(江)、巴(中)、平(昌)地区,这些大体属于川陕革命根据地;随后继续走从广元开始的红四方面军长征路,包括剑阁、梓潼、 In September 2003, before proceeding to the Long March of the Central Red Army, they first inspected Cangxi, the main battlefield of the Jialing River campaign conducted by the Red Fourth Army; and went to places like Danba, Daofu, Luhuo and Ganzi after they arrived in Luding, This belongs to the Long March route of the Red Fourth Army. It is the Long March of the Central Red Army, including Aba, Sichuan, and many parts of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia region. The Red Fourth Army also passed by. In this way, the Long March of the Red Fourth Army took a considerable part. In July 2004, take the Long March again, mainly taking the Chuan-Shan base opened by the Red Fourth Army that has not been visited and the Long March starting from this. In the past 20 days, they have reached the revolutionary base areas of Sichuan and Shaanxi. They have reached the revolutionary base areas of Sichuan, Shaanxi, Guangyuan began the red four aspects of the military commander road, including Jiange, Zitong,
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