Experimental Study on Gas-Solid Mass Transfer in Circulating Fluidized Beds

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Vince6666
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This study is devoted to gas-solid mass transfer behavior in heterogeneous two-phase flow. Experiments were carried out in a cold circulating fluidized bed of 3.0 m in height and 72 mm,- in diameter with naphthalene particles. Axial and radial distributions of sublimated naphthalene concentration in air were measured with an online concentration monitoring system HP GC-MS. Mass transfer coefficients were obtained under various operating conditions, showing that heterogeneous flow structure strongly influences the axial and radial profiles of mass transfer coefficients. In the bottom dense region, mass transfer rate is high due to intensive dynamic behavior and higher relative slip velocity between gas and clusters. In the middle transition region and the upper dilute region, as a result of low mass transfer driving force and the influence of flow structure, mass transfer rate distribution becomes non-uniform. In conclusion, among the operating parameters influencing mass transfer coefficients, the superf This study is devoted to gas-solid mass transfer behavior in heterogeneous two-phase flow. Experiments were carried out in a cold circulating fluidized bed of 3.0 m in height and 72 mm, - in diameter with naphthalene particles. Axial and radial distributions of sublimated naphthalene concentration in air were measured with an online concentration monitoring system HP GC-MS. Mass transfer coefficients were obtained under various operating conditions, showing that heterogeneous flow structure strongly influences the axial and radial profiles of mass transfer coefficients. mass transfer rate is high due to intensive dynamic behavior and higher relative slip velocity between gas and clusters. In the middle transition region and the upper dilute region, as a result of low mass transfer driving force and the influence of flow structure, mass transfer rate distribution becomes non-uniform. In conclusion, among the operating parameters influencing mass transfer coeff icients, the superf
当新世纪第4个初夏降临时,《理论探索》杂志迎来了创刊2 0周年和出版总第14 7期;恰逢此时,第3次全国中文核心期刊评审结果揭晓,本刊连续榜上有名,被评为“中国政治类”核心期
目的 检测恶性疟原虫裂殖子表面蛋白 1基因在减毒鼠伤寒直菌X40 6 4株中的表达。方法 将 7个克隆有恶性疟原虫裂殖子表面蛋白 1基因片段的表达质粒 pQEM用氯化钙法转化到修