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生活在当今社会的年轻人,面对越来越激烈的竞争势头,深深感到一纸文凭的重要。于是,萧条了数年的成人高等教育,逐渐走出低谷,又迎来了充满希望的春天。但是,正如“千军万马过独木桥”一样,尽管报考的人数众多,而真正能到达成功彼岸的幸运儿毕竟还是少数。所以名落孙山,当然是因为考分不够录取线。考分不够录取线的原因往往是语文没考好,语文没考好的原因往往是作文没写好。这样说,绝不是危言耸听。在一份总分值为100分的试卷中,作文占了40分,在总分值为150分的试卷中,作文占了60分。由此可见作文在整个语文考试乃至整个升学考试中的重要作用。 Young people living in today’s society are facing an increasingly fierce competitive trend and deeply feel the importance of a paper diploma. As a result, the adult higher education that has been depressing for several years has gradually come out of the trough and has ushered in a spring of hope. However, just as “the army is the only one who has a single wooden bridge”, despite the large number of applicants, the lucky ones who can truly reach the other side of success are still a few. Therefore, the name is off the Sun Shan, of course, because the test score is not enough to take the line. The reason why the score is not enough to take the line is that the language is not well tested, and the reason why the language is not well-tested is that the composition is not well written. This is not an alarmist talk. In a test paper with a total score of 100 points, the essay scored 40 points. In the paper with a total score of 150 points, the essay accounted for 60 points. This shows that the composition plays an important role in the entire language examination and even the entire examination for admission to higher education.
一盏残烛萤火一般摇曳欲灭,忽暗忽明的烛光,将德顺老汉竹床前五六张老嫩不一的脸撩拨得沉哀悲恸。德顺老汉躯体渐冷变僵。因咽气前痛苦挣扎而扭曲变 One by one, the fire
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