
来源 :医学动物防制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mahuanchun
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目的通过分析传染病发病特点和流行趋势,为制定相应对策,控制传染病的发生,降低其危害提供科学依据。方法采用描述性流行病方法分析2006-2010年包头市报告的法定传染病流行病学特征。结果包头市2006-2010年共报告法定传染病25种,56 825例。其中无甲类传染病报告;报告乙类传染病17种,44 815例;报告丙类传染病8种,12 743例。传染病年发病率在441.86/10万~586.12/10万之间,总体呈下降趋势。血源及性传播传染病年发病率在184.11/10万~202.23/10万之间,占乙类传染病报告总数的48.97%,总体呈上升趋势;呼吸道传染病年发病率在77.03/10万~172.38/10万之间,占乙类传染病报告总数的34.67%,总体呈下降趋势;肠道传染病年发病率在34.02/10万~73.10/10万之间,占乙类传染病报告总数的12.87%,总体呈下降趋势;自然疫源及虫媒传染病年发病率在2.28/10万~38.78/10万之间,占乙类传染病报告总数的3.49%,总体呈上升趋势;新生儿破伤风仅2009年报告1例,发病率为0.04/10万。结论在巩固以往控制传染病所取得成绩的同时,应进一步加大对乙肝、肺结核等重点传染病的防控力度,加强对淋病、梅毒、布病的宣传、教育、监测等干预措施,同时要积极应对甲型H1N1流感、手足口病等新发传染病的发生和流行,以达到全面控制并逐渐降低传染病危害,保障人民群众的身体健康。 Objective By analyzing the characteristics and epidemic trend of infectious diseases, we can provide a scientific basis for formulating corresponding measures, controlling the occurrence of infectious diseases and reducing their harm. Methods Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the epidemiological characteristics of notifiable infectious diseases reported in Baotou from 2006 to 2010. Results Baotou City reported a total of 25 kinds of notifiable infectious diseases and 56,825 cases from 2006 to 2010. Among them, there were no reports of type A infectious diseases, 17 types of type B infectious diseases were reported, and 44,815 were reported. There were 8 reported types of infectious diseases of type C and 12 743 cases. The annual incidence of infectious diseases is between 441.86 / 100000 and 586.12 / 100000, showing an overall downward trend. The annual incidence of blood-borne and sexually transmitted infections was between 184.11 / 100,000 and 202.23 / 100,000, accounting for 48.97% of the total number of B-type infectious diseases reported, with an overall upward trend. The annual incidence of respiratory infectious diseases was 77.03 / 100,000 ~ 172.38 / 100,000, accounting for 34.67% of the total number of B infectious disease reports, with an overall downward trend; the annual incidence of intestinal infectious diseases is between 34.02 / 100,000 and 73.10 / 100,000, accounting for Class B infectious disease reports The total incidence of natural epidemic and insect-borne diseases was between 2.28 / 100 and 38.78 / 100 000, accounting for 3.49% of the total number of reports of class B infectious diseases, showing an overall upward trend. Neonatal tetanus reported only 1 case in 2009, the incidence was 0.04 / 100000. Conclusions While consolidating the achievements made in the past in controlling infectious diseases, prevention and control of major infectious diseases such as hepatitis B and tuberculosis should be further strengthened and interventions such as publicity, education and monitoring of gonorrhea, syphilis and brucellosis should be strengthened. At the same time, Actively respond to the occurrence and prevalence of new infectious diseases such as influenza A (H1N1) and hand-foot-mouth disease so as to achieve overall control and gradually reduce the risk of infectious diseases and ensure the health of the general public.
烟雨朦胧天目山  周六的清晨,迎着如牛毛般的濛濛细雨从上海驱车前往天目山,在冬季的时候曾经读过一首现代诗人肖草所写的名为《雪·天目山》的诗,“天山初寒添素妆,漫空飞絮尽苍茫;层林银枪数万千,岗上呼啸胜嗷狼。”当时那诗中的意境让我为之心动,初春的天目山尽管不再会有那“漫空飞絮尽苍茫”的壮美,但我相信春季的天目山也定然不会让我为之失望。  驾驶着斯柯达昊锐,耳畔不时传来雨丝轻敲车门的声音,在雨中前行四
生物教学中引导学生认识生命、尊重生命、热爱生命和大自然,进而敬畏生命。 Biology teaching guide students to recognize life, respect for life, love life and nature
我厂一台20世纪70年代产曼罗兰RZ K-3B型胶印机在由350g/m2白板纸转产60g/m2书写纸时发生故障.rn