“都说咱老百姓啊,是那满天星,群星簇拥才有,那月呀月光明;都说咱老百姓,是那黄土地,大地浑厚托起,那个太阳太阳红……”1月10日,在江苏省洒阳县2005年扶贫工作总结表彰大会上,当泗阳县人武部全体干部职工充满深情地唱起《咱老百姓》这首歌时,泗阳县委书记侍鹏率先鼓起掌来: “人武部在扶贫工作中交出了一份满意的答卷,用歌声唱出了心里话,全县人民感谢你们。”会场顿
“Say that we people, ah, that the sky is full of stars, clusters of clusters have that month moonlight; say we people, that yellow land, the earth is thick hold, the sun is red ... ...” January 10 At the summing-up ceremony of 2005 poverty alleviation work in Shiyang County, Jiangsu Province, when all the cadres and workers of the People’s Armed Forces Department of Siyang County sang affectionately to sing the song “Our People”, the secretary of Siyang County Party Committee Shu Peng took the lead to muster his hand : “People’s Armed Forces made a satisfactory answer in the work of alleviating poverty and sang the truth with the song, and the people of the county thanked you.” Venue Dayton