谁抓都不过格 谁抓都不越位——民航黑龙江省局管理服务纪实

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近几年,我国航空运输市场已完成由“卖方”向“买方”市场的过渡,市场竞争的焦点已集中表现在管理和服务质量上.中国民航黑龙江省管理局适应这一变化,明确提出在局内抓运输服务质量工作要象抓安全工作一样,谁抓都不过格、谁抓都不越位的观点.功夫不负有心人,去年这个局在全国机场评比中跨入先进行列,并开创出历史服务最好水平,受到国家民航局的表彰,受到旅客的普遍好评.硬件末流 服务一流哈尔滨机场是七十年代由国家投资设计建造的,机场硬件技术诸多问题是在试验中解决的,加上半 In recent years, China’s air transport market has been completed by the “seller” to “buyer” market transition, the focus of market competition has focused on management and service quality.China Civil Aviation Authority of Heilongjiang Province to adapt to this change, made it clear that at As for the work of grasping the quality of transport services in the Bureau, we must pay equal attention to the safety work and pay no attention to those who grasped them. The Kung Fu pays off no effort. Last year, this bureau stepped into the advanced ranks of the national airport and pioneered historical services The best level, praised by the National Civil Aviation Authority, praised by travelers. First-class hardware terminal services Harbin airport in the seventies by the state investment in the design and construction, airport hardware technology many problems are solved in the experiment, plus half
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