转换机制 搞活流通

来源 :贵州民族研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heyzol
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玉屏侗族自治县商贸系统,在市场经济发展新形势下,深化改革,转换经营机制,改善经营环境,转变经营作风,搞活流通,为工农业生产和人民生活服务,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益.国营商业部门为了适应改革开放和市场经济的发展,紧紧抓住经济承包责任制这个主旋律,激励职工劳动热情.各专业公司普遍采取零售以销计酬、批发以利计酬、百元销售工资制、百分计酬制、“四放开”(经营、价格、分配、用工放开)和“国有民营”等形式,对服务公司的旅社、餐馆等以劳务为主的行业,实行国家所有,集体、个体承包或租赁经营,照章纳税,自负盈亏;告别了“铁交椅”,打破了“大锅饭”.县百货公司于1993年10月试行“国有民营”,将公司门市部柜组固定资产和库存商品划分给职工经营,包干利润上交. Under the new situation of market economy development, the business system of Yuping Dong Autonomous County has made great economic and social benefits by deepening the reform, converting the operating mechanism, improving the business environment, changing the management style, invigorating the circulation, serving the industrial and agricultural production and people’s livelihood In order to adapt to the reform and opening up and the development of the market economy, the state-run commercial departments should give full play to the main theme of the economic contract responsibility system and encourage workers’ enthusiasm for work. Various specialized companies generally adopt the methods of retail sales and sales, , The percentage pay system, the “four liberalization” (business, price, distribution, labor liberalization) and “state-owned privately owned” and other forms of service companies such as hotels, restaurants and other labor-based industries, the implementation of state-owned, collective , Individual contracting or leasing business, according to the tax, self-financing; bid farewell to the “iron chairs”, breaking the “big pot.” County department store in October 1993 trial “state-owned private enterprises”, the company stores the cabinet group of fixed assets and inventory The goods are divided into the workers’ business and the profits of the contractors are turned over.
机械加工切屑在许多企业都把它当作废料堆放在露天,任其锈蚀,造成很大浪费。 现介绍一种钢切屑的新用途——钢切屑直接锻造成钢球。制成的钢球可广泛应用在水泥生产的磨粉料
机床是机械制造中的重要基本工具素有 “母机”之称。它的产值在国民总产值中所占的比重虽不大,但其战略地位却十分重要。因为它的技术水平,直接影响到所有机械制造部门的技