Application of Remote Sensing Detection and GIS in Analysis of Vegetation Pattern Dynamics in the Ye

来源 :中国人口·资源与环境(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shy712108
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Regional vegetation pattern dynamics has a great im-pact on ecosystem and climate change. Remote sensing data and geographical information system (GIS) analysis were widely used in the detection of vegetation pattern dynamics. In this study, the Yellow River Delta was selected as the study area. By using 1986, 1993, 1996, 1999 and 2005 remote sensing data as basic informa-tion resource, with the support of GIS, a wetland vegetation spa-tial information dataset was built up. Through selecting the land-scape metrics such as class area (CA), class percent of landscape (PL), number of patch (NP), largest patch index (LPI) and mean patch size (MPS) etc., the dynamics of vegetation pattern was analyzed. The result showed that the change of vegetation pattern is significant from 1986 to 2005. From 1986-1999, the area of the vegetation, the percent of vegetation, LPI and MPS decreased, the NP increased, the vegetation pattern tends to be fragmental. The decrease in vegetation area may well be explained by the fact of the nature environment evolution (Climate change and decrease in Yellow River runoff) and the increase in the population in the Yellow River Delta. However, from 1999-2005, the area of the vegetation, the percent of vegetation, LPI and MPS increased, while the NP decreased. This trend of restoration may be due to the implementation of water resources regulation for the Yellow River Delta since 1999.
本文首先对人脸识别(Face Recognition)的概念、过程以及其发展和研究现状作了简单回顾,然后简要介绍了其应用领域,接着对人脸识别的常用方法进行分类综述,主要介绍了基于几何特征(Geometric Features)的方法、特征脸(Eigenface)方法、隐马尔可夫模型(HMM,Hidden Markov Model)方法、神经网络(Neural Networks)方法以及弹性图匹配(