
来源 :思想政治课教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:assofour
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打开电视可以看到不少精彩的谈话节目,这些节目在给我们知识、感悟的同时,对于政治课教师和思想政治课教学,也有着较大的借鉴意义。课堂构成要素包括学生、教师、教材等课内外资源,其中,教材是载体,学生是主体,教师是主导。一期成功的电视谈话节目必须具备的基本要素有针对性的话题选择、有创意性的活动策划、有优秀素质的主持人等。一堂成功的符合新课程理念的思想政治课,就像一期成功的电视谈话节目,要有好的教学设计,也要有优秀的执教者。一、节目策划对思想政治课教学设计的借鉴意义策划是谈话节目生命力的源泉。策划选题的时效而有深度,是谈话节目策划的重中之重。策划之重于节目正如教学设计之重于课堂,渗透新课改理念、创新精神和人文精神的教学设 Open the TV you can see a lot of wonderful talk shows, these programs give us knowledge, perception, at the same time, the political class teachers and ideological and political teaching, but also have a greater reference. Classroom elements include students, teachers, textbooks and other resources inside and outside class, of which teaching material is the carrier, the student is the main body, the teacher is the dominant. A successful television talk show must have the basic elements of targeted topics, creative planning activities, with excellent quality host and so on. A successful ideological and political lesson that conforms to the concept of a new curriculum is like a successful television talk show with good instructional design as well as outstanding coaching staff. First, the program planning for the ideological and political teaching of reference design planning is the source of the vitality of talk shows. The timeliness of planning topics has depth and is the most important talk program planning. Planning is more important than the program Just as instructional design focuses on the classroom, infiltration of the new curriculum reform concept, innovative and humane spirit of teaching
建立一种快速预测陆地棉杂种优势的方法对于强优势杂交种的高效选育,进一步提高棉花产量具有重要意义。本研究的目的是了解陆地棉种内杂交种的优势及遗传表现,通过遗传距离的分析,利用前期报道的与产量性状相关的SSR分子标记,筛选多态性标记并计算亲本遗传距离,进行相关分析与回归分析来确定与杂种优势的关系。利用本课题保存的11个陆地棉亲本自交系,采用5×6 NCⅡ交配设计配置30个种内杂交种,2016年和201