蔡医生: 近来,我的眼睛常感不适,畏光,流泪,且有异物感,不知何故。我是一个磨砂轮工人,这是否与职业有关? 李志勇李志勇同志: 你的眼睛不适感,可能是由于角膜、结膜里有异物所造成的,这是由于砂轮飞溅出的细小金属碎屑粘布角膜、结膜表面后,引起不同程度的刺激症状,如眼睑痉挛、畏光、流泪、眼内磨擦感、疼痛等。存留久者可导致角膜感染发炎,影响视力,应尽快到医院
Dr. Cai: Recently, my eyes often feel discomfort, photophobia, tearing, and foreign body sensation, somehow. I am a grinding wheel workers, whether this is related to occupation? Li Zhiyong Li Zhiyong comrades: your eye discomfort, may be due to corneal, conjunctiva caused by foreign body, which is due to the wheel splashed out of small metal debris sticky cornea , Conjunctival surface, causing varying degrees of irritation, such as blepharospasm, photophobia, tearing, intraocular friction, pain and so on. Long-term survival can lead to corneal inflammation, affecting vision, should be as soon as possible to the hospital