近几年蒜田地下害虫为害逐年加重,尤其是根蛆为害更为严重,致使大蒜品质变劣,产量下降,一般减产20%~30%,重者几乎绝收,大大影响了出口创汇和蒜农的收入。1 蒜田地下害虫种类及为害特点1)根蛆。主要是葱蝇和韭蛆的幼虫,是大蒜的主要害虫。葱蝇1a发生2代,以蛹在土中越冬...
In recent years, pest damage in garlic fields has been increasing year by year, especially in the case of root maggots. This has led to the deterioration of the quality of garlic and the decrease of output, which is generally reduced by 20% to 30% Income. 1 garlic field pest species and damage characteristics 1) root maggots. The larvae, which are mostly onion fly and leek maggots, are the major pests of garlic. Onion I 2 generations occurred, pupa in winter in the soil ...