
来源 :西北地震学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsx19810518
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通过室内饱和击实黄土液化试验研究 ,探讨了击实黄土孔压增长规律 .结果表明 :击实黄土在一定条件下 ,受动荷载作用能够发生液化 ;击实黄土的孔压增长曲线与原状黄土的孔压增长曲线类似 ;击实黄土在循环荷载作用下具有典型的循环软化特征 .工程上强夯处理的黄土若处于饱和或近饱和状态 ,在动荷载的作用下会发生液化并引起较大的变形 Through the indoor saturated compaction loess liquefaction test research, the compaction loess pore pressure growth law was discussed. The results show that compaction loess under certain conditions, the dynamic load can liquefaction; compacted loess pore pressure growth curve with undisturbed loess The compaction loess has a typical cyclic softening characteristic under cyclic loading.If the loess treated by dynamic compaction is saturated or nearly saturated, it will liquefy under the action of dynamic load and cause a large The deformation
Ubiquitous computing systems typically have lots of security problems in the area of identification supply by means of classical Public Key Infrastructure(PKI)m
结合国内外海岸线分形研究进展 ,以江苏省海岸线为例 ,采用“中点细分内插”的方法 ,探讨了海岸线的模拟生成方法 ,同时计算了相应分维值 ,在此基础上还设计了一个分形模拟实用程序 ,并对程序的模拟过程、功能做了分析。通过该程序不仅可对现有海岸线的栅格或矢量图形进行模拟、分维计算 ,还可对其进行存取、缩放等
Urban agglomeration (UA) compactness means spatial concentration degree of physical entities, such as cities (towns), industries, resources, funds, traffic and
通过对水系的不同介质测量与网格法土壤、岩屑测量结果的研究 ,提出在大兴安岭森林沼泽区异常查证中 ,应采用网格法土壤或岩屑测量替代传统的 1/ 5万水系沉积物测量方法 Bas
In this study, calcium phosphate cements (CPC) were prepared by mixing cement powders of tetracalcium phosphate (TTCP) with a cement liquid of phosphate acid sa
自《西北地震学报》2 0 0 1年第 4期发表了笔者的文章《2 0 0 1年厄尔尼诺事件的天文条件》以来[1] ,全球气候异常越来越显著 .近期研究发现 ,近地潮与日月大潮的叠加有 6~ 8
利用2000年7月14日太阳大耀斑期间向日面电离层GPS观测资料, 对电离层此次耀斑的响应进行了研究, 观测到了向日面电离层总电子含量(TEC)时间变化曲线的小同步扰动结构, 扰动
Objective To estimate the heavy metal content in soil and selected medicinal plants procured from environmentally different sites of the same city. Methods Soil