Finding My Wings By Sue Augustine

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  Like so many other girls, my self-confidence growing up was almost non-existent. I doubted my abilities, had little faith in my potential and questioned my personal worth. If I achieved good grades, I believed that I was just lucky. And when things went well, I thought I was just in the right place at the right time.
  While in my teens, I attracted a man with the same low self-esteem[1]. In spite of his violent[2] temper and an extremely rocky[3] dating relationship, I decided to marry him. I still remember my dad whispering to me before walking me down the aisle[4], "It’s not too late, Sue. You can change your mind." My family knew what a terrible mistake I was making. Within weeks, I knew it, too.
  The physical abuse[5] lasted for several years, I survived serious injuries[6], was covered with bruises much of the time and had to be hospitalized on numerous occasions[7]. Life became a blur of police sirens, doctors’ reports and family court appearances[8]. Yet I continued to go back to the relationship, hoping that things would somehow improve.
  Then something gave me the courage to change. Through work, I was able to attend a series of professional development seminars[9]. In one, a presenter talked about turning dreams into realities. That was hard for me even to dream about a better future. But something in the message made me listen.
  She asked us to consider two powerful questions: "If you could be, do, or have anything in the world[]and you knew it would be impossible to fail, what would you choose[10]?And you could create your ideal life, what would you dare to dream?” In that moment, my life began to change. I began to dream.
  I imaged having the courage to move the children into an apartment of our own and start over. I pictured a better life for the girls and me. I dreamed about being an international motivational[11] speaker so that I could inspire people the way the seminar leader inspired me.
  And soon the changes began. I moved with the children to a small apartment. On only $ 98 a week[12], we ate a lot of peanut butter and drove an old jalopy[13]. But for the first time, we felt free and safe. I worked hard at my sales career, all the time focusing on my "impossible dream."
  Then one day I answered the phone, and the voice on the other end asked me to speak at the company’s upcoming annual[14] conference. I accepted, and my speech was a success. This led to a series of promotions, eventually to national sales trainer.[15]
  I believe that all success begins with spreading your wingsbelieving in your worth, trusting your insight[16], nurturing yourself, having a goal and devising a personal strategy. And then, even impossible dreams become real.
  [1]self- esteem: 自信心
  [2]violent: 暴躁的
  [3]rocky: 不稳固的
  [4]我仍记得在父亲挽着我的手把我交给新郎之前,他曾低声对我说.在西方婚礼上, 通常由新娘父亲把女儿亲手交给新郎.
  [5]physical abuse: 身体上的虐待
  [6]bruise: 瘀青
  [7]on numerous occasions: 在很多情况下
  [11]motivational: 激发人的
  [13]jalopy: 破旧的车.此处可以看出,作者刚刚开始新的生活时,过得很拮据.
  [14]annual: 每年一次的
  [15]这给我带来的了一连串的升职的机会,最后我被提升为全国销售培训员.promote to…意思是被提升为……
  [16]insight: 洞察力