Hebei Province Zhangjiakou City Huailai County, alum Hill, Zhao Peng, Guanting, Fort Fort four communes, geographically constitute an irregular T shape .lum Hill commune east hall, south of Zhao Peng, north of Fort Fort, in three Brotherhood among the three communities is the only place for the exchange of goods. The four communes are intertwined in their relations of production, transport and sales, each having its own needs and the traditional and close trade relations. Since the Great Leap Forward in 1958, due to the rapid development of industrial and agricultural production and the constant improvement of the material and cultural life of the broad masses of people, the volume of goods and materials transported has risen rapidly. In 1959, a total of 154,880 tons of various materials needed to be transported by the four communes were transported, 5,720,000 tons of which were transported by four communes