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目的:了解上海市已婚育龄妇女宫内节育器(IUD)使用率的变化趋势并分析其影响因素。方法:对2004~2012年上海已婚育龄妇女避孕节育数据进行加权、单因素分析及多因素分析。结果:上海已婚育龄妇女的IUD使用率从2004年的71.3%下降至2012年的43.9%;年龄>45岁的妇女IUD使用率是<30岁者的2.63倍;初中文化妇女IUD使用率是大学以上妇女的2.15倍。结论:年龄越大、文化水平越低的妇女IUD使用率越高;IUD使用率逐年下降可能与上海近年来加大避孕套宣传和符合生育二孩条件妇女比例增加有关。 Objective: To understand the trend of IUD usage in married women of childbearing age in Shanghai and analyze the influencing factors. Methods: The data of contraception and birth control among married women of childbearing age from 2004 to 2012 in Shanghai were weighted, univariate and multivariate analysis. Results: The IUD rate of married women of childbearing age in Shanghai decreased from 71.3% in 2004 to 43.9% in 2012; the IUD rate of women aged> 45 years old was 2.63 times of those of <30 years old; the IUD rate of women of junior middle school culture was 2.15 times more than college women. CONCLUSION: The older IUD patients with lower education level use the higher IUD rate. The declining IUD rate may be related to the increase of condom promotion in Shanghai in recent years and the increase of the proportion of women who meet the requirements of second childbirth.
宫内节育器(I UD)是高效、安全、不影响未来生育力的避孕方法之一,可是常规节育器的副作用和脱落一直是影响使用者续用率的主要原因。我站自2002—2006年开始应用吉妮(Gynefi
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