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(本刊讯)1月23至24日,甘肃省档案工作会议在兰州召开。会议以党的十六届六中全会和省委十届十一次会议精神为指导,学习贯彻了全国档案工作会议精神以及中共中央政治局候补委员、中央书记处书记、中央办公厅主任王刚为会议作出的重要批示,总结回顾了2006年全省档案事业的发展,安排部署了全省档案工作的新目标、新任务。各市(州)档案局长和省直有关部门200余名代表参加了会议。省委副秘书长邵明出席会议并讲话,省档案局局长刘玉生作了工作报告。省人大副秘书长安晨光、省政府办公厅副主任赵国强、省财政厅副厅长吴仰光以及省档案局副局长张前林、拓志平、李虎、张蕊兰等出席了会议。 (Ben Kanxun) From January 23 to January 24, the file meeting of Gansu Province was held in Lanzhou. Guided by the spirit of the 6th Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee and the 11th Session of the 10th Provincial Party Committee, the meeting studied and implemented the spirit of the National Archives Work Conference and the alternate member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, secretary of the Central Secretariat and director of the Central Office The meeting made important instructions, reviewed the development of the province’s file industry in 2006, and arranged the deployment of new goals and tasks for the province’s file work. More than 200 delegates from the archives of cities (prefectures) and departments directly under the provincial government attended the meeting. Shao Ming, deputy secretary general of the provincial party committee attended and addressed the meeting. Liu Yusheng, director of the provincial archives bureau, made a working report. An Chenguang, deputy secretary general of Provincial People’s Congress, Zhao Guoqiang, deputy director of the provincial government office, Wu Yanguang, deputy director of the provincial finance department, and Zhang Qianlin, Tu Zhiping, Li Hu and Zhang Ruilan, deputy director of the provincial archives, attended the conference.