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你对中国女足主教练位置的看法是:支持马良行回归74.30%1249票应该选择洋帅20.70%348票选择其他国产教练5%84票如上是央视国际在3月15日中国女足在阿尔加夫杯连败之后在网络上进行的调查,参与调查的网民发表了自己对中国女足教练位置的观点看法,其中1500余人中有将近3/4选择了“马良行回归”……由谁担纲中国女足主帅的问号,似乎一画就是三四年,从几进几出的马良行,到斜刺里杀出的张海涛,再到总也扶不了正的王海鸣,以及冷不丁成为顾问、又悄无声息离开的德国人克劳琛,任凭千呼万唤,女足真正的执掌者就是不出来。中国女足的主教练难选,是因为处在这个位置上的这个人,他所面对的环境、面临的使命太特别了。他要处理好与中国足协领导的关系,要学会听话,还要学会听谁的话;他要懂得与领队相处,还要学会对其行使权力时不持保留意见。当然,最重要的,他需要有点石成金、妙手回春,最好还有起死回生的神奇力量。代理主教练王海鸣似乎已悟出其中的真谛,所以,他主动说自己更适合助理教练一职。向男足靠拢,不是女足的错。因为当残酷的事实总是无情地一次又一次地重复出现时,等待女足的只能是一个叫作宿命的结局。 Your view of the position of the Chinese women’s football coach is: support the return of Ma Liangxing 74.30% 1249 votes should be selected handsome Shuai 20.70% 348 votes choose other domestic coach 5% 84 votes above is CCTV International on March 15 Chinese women’s football in the Algarve Internet survey conducted by the cup after the losing streak, the survey of Internet users published their views on the position of the Chinese women’s football coach, of which more than 1,500 people in nearly 3/4 chose the “return of Ma Liangxing” ... Who played the Chinese women’s football Coach’s question mark, it seems a picture is three or four years, from a few into a few out of Ma Liang, Zhang Haitao to slash the bar, then to the total can not help the positive Wang Haiming, and become a consultant, and quietly leave German Crowe Chen, despite the long-awaited, the true control of women’s football is not out. Chinese women’s football coach difficult to choose because of this position in this person, the environment he faced, the mission is too special. He should handle the relationship with the leadership of the Chinese Football Association, we must learn obedient, but also learn to listen to who’s words; he must understand how to get along with the leader, but also learn to exercise their power without reservations. Of course, the most important, he needs a little stone into gold, the best of the best, as well as the magical power to revive. Acting coach Wang Haiming seems to have realized the true meaning of which, therefore, he took the initiative to say that he is more suitable for assistant coach position. Close to the men’s football, not the fault of women’s football. Because when cruel facts are always ruthlessly repeated again and again, waiting for women’s football can only be the result of a destiny.
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