
来源 :吉林人大 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loverzhouweia
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2011年是吉林省第六个五年法制宣传教育规划实施的开局之年。4月22日,第十一届全国人大常委会第二十次会议审议通过了《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于进一步加强法制宣传教育的决议》“。根据该决议,为了进一步加强我省普法和依法治理工作,有必要制定我省《关于进一步加强法制宣传教育推进法治吉林建设的决议》。”2011年7月27日上午,在省十一届人大常委会第二十七次会议上,省人大内务司法委员会负责人就省政府提请审议的决议草案审议意见作了报告。 2011 is the first year of implementing the sixth five-year legal publicity and education plan in Jilin Province. On April 22, the 20th Meeting of the Eleventh National People’s Congress examined and adopted the Resolution of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on Further Strengthening the Publicity and Education of Legal System. According to the resolution, in order to further strengthen the popularization of law in our province, And governing according to law, it is necessary to formulate the resolution of our province on further strengthening the publicity and education of legal system and promoting the construction of the rule of law in Jilin Province. "On the morning of July 27, 2011, at the 27th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 11th Provincial People’s Congress , Provincial People’s Congress Internal Affairs Judicial Committee responsible person on the provincial government submitted to the deliberations of the draft resolution deliberations made a report.
Zhan Yong,commentator of People’s Daily,and Cai Fang,Director of the Institute of Population and Labor Economics,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(CASS),recen
有一次,一个又高又瘦的客人去拜访小说家赫维斯,看他胖乎乎的模样,便说:“如果我像您这么胖的话,我一定没有生活的勇气, 非上吊不可!”赫维斯笑着回答:“我如果接受您的建议
杨诺到底是班长,做事总是从大处着眼,小处入手。这不,他申请了个QQ群,美其名曰:羊圈。因为高一(3)班大多数同学都属羊。羊圈一时人满为患,班里的53名同学全都加了进来。偶尔大家在群里讲个笑话,评论一下班级里的老师,七嘴八舌的,闹个不亦乐乎。  一天晚上,突然有一个叫“夹着尾巴的狼”的人发消息说是高一(3)班神秘人,请求加入羊圈。杨诺想了半天,班级里53张扑克牌都已在群里了,这人是谁呢?  于是不理
最先登陆月球的人——嫦娥(且无需任何设备,极尽环保) 跑得最快的人——孙大圣(大号悟空,一个跟头十万八千里) 最高的男高音——张飞(字翼德。当阳桥上一声吼,喝退曹兵,河水
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
上高中的时候,我们班只是普通班,与由尖子生组成的6个实验班的学生相比,我们考上大学的机率不大,因此除几个学习好的同学学习努力外,大多数就是混文凭。 When we were in hi