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我们现在所穿衣服的门襟都是“男左女右”,而古代又有右衽、左衽之说,两者很容易混淆。如中央电视台“正大综艺”第391期的“一笑茶园”提出了衣服门襟为什么是“男左女右”的问题,专家解释说是赵武灵王“胡服骑射”改男服为左襟,为了便于骑马拔剑。这一答案显然错了。 衣襟“男左女右”是欧洲人的风俗习惯,中国引进并普及西式服装后,也接受了这种习惯,但已是近、现代的事,距赵武灵王的时代至少有2000年。对衣襟“男左女右”的原因,《服饰:人的第二皮肤》(美国玛里琳·霍恩著)一书提供了一种解释:“男子上衣钮扣总是钉在右侧门襟上,而女人上衣的扣子则钉在左侧。对于这种习惯有如下解释:男人用他的左手扣解钮扣,可以腾出右手继续把握工具或刀剑来工作或战斗,而女人则习惯于左手抱孩子,可以用右手扣解钮扣”。这种习惯与中国传统服装的衣襟掩法完全不是一回事。 中国古代中原民族(即后来的汉族)服装的基本样式是上衣下裳(裙),衣襟不分男女都是左襟压右襟,称为“右衽”(与西式“男左”方向相同)。当时只用衣结不用钮扣,右衽便于用右手解结。死人入殓的衣服用“左衽”(右襟压左襟),衣结用死结,因为死人已不用解衣了。而中原四周的民族多数穿左衽的服装。《尚书》即记载:“四夷左衽”(与西式“女右”方 We are now wearing a placket are “male left female right”, and ancient right and left, left and said, the two are easily confused. Such as CCTV “Zhengda Arts” No. 391 “smile tea garden” put forward why the clothes placket is “male left female right” problem, the expert explained that the king of Wu Zhao “Hu Fu riding shot” to change men’s clothing for the left lapel, In order to facilitate riding a sword. This answer is obviously wrong. The skirt “male left female right” is the European customs, after China introduced and popularized Western clothing, but also accepted this habit, but it is a modern thing, from the era of King Wu of Wu Ling at least 2000 years. The reason for the skirt “male left female right”, “Costume: the second skin of man” (the United States Marilyn Horn) book provides an explanation: “Men’s shirt buttons are always nailed to the right side door And the buttons on the women’s top are nailed to the left, and the explanation for this is as follows: A man with his left button buckles the button and can free up his right hand to continue to hold a tool or sword to work or fight while a woman is used to Hold the child in the left hand, you can use the right button deduction buttons. ” This habit is completely different from that of traditional Chinese clothing. The ancient Chinese Central Plains nation (later Han) clothing is the basic style of clothing under the clothes (skirt), regardless of men and women are men and women are left lapel right placket, called “right 衽” (with the Western “male left” the same direction) . At that time, only the buttons do not use clothes, right 衽 easy solution with the right knot. The dead into the clothes with “left 衽” (right placket pressure left lapel), knot knot knot, because the dead have no need to unpack. The Central Plains around the majority of ethnic wear Zuo Xi clothing. “Shang Shu” that records: “Si Yi Zuo Qi” (and Western “female right” side
【正】 On October 28th, China’s Ministry of Commerce(MOC) announced chemical fertilizersimports quota of normal tariffs in 2010. MOCwill allocate the custom qu
1病例报告rn患儿,女,4个月8d,因左耳廓肿物收入院.患儿出生时家长发现其左耳廓有一黄豆大小肿物,未进行特殊处理,后渐进性增大.体检:左耳廓上方可见一5 cm×4 cm大小肿物,质