
来源 :河北农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuelin_1985
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1 选用优良抗病品种 选用抗病自交系,种植抗病杂交种。一般双亲抗病,杂交一代也抗病;双亲感病,杂交一代也感病。据鉴定,抗病的自交系有MO17、7091、单624等,抗病杂交种有中单2号、丹玉13、掖单14、豫玉28号等。 2 播前进行种子处理 采用拌种和浸种,进行药剂防治。玉米丝黑穗病的传染途径是种子、土壤和粪肥带菌。5叶期以前,土中的病菌都能由幼芽和幼根入侵,所以,药剂防治必须选择内吸性强、残效期长的药,以保证防治效果。目前在生产上推广使用的种子处理有以下几种: 1 selection of good resistance to disease-resistant inbred lines selection, planting resistant hybrids. In general, both parents are resistant to disease, and the hybrid generation is also resistant to disease; the parents are susceptible and the hybrid generation is also susceptible. It has been identified, disease-resistant inbred lines MO17,7091, a single 624, etc., hybrids in the disease in the single No. 2, Dan Yu 13, Yedan 14, Yu Yu 28 and so on. 2 seed before sowing seed dressing and soaking, for chemical control. Corn smut spreads through seeds, soil and manure. Before the 5-leaf stage, all the germs in the soil can be invaded by sprouts and young roots. Therefore, we must choose a strong absorption and long-term residual drug to prevent and cure the disease. Currently in the production of seed used in the promotion of the following:
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