
来源 :特种合成纤维与复合材料简报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ddllmmttyy
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不是,不过美国总统克林顿似乎是坐在实验电力车里在“驾驶”。很多专家相信,象这样的车子在改善都市污染方面能发挥重要作用。通过与orlachtr A.G,SMUD美国电力车公司和Mcclellam空军基地的联合,Ciba复合材料公司试图用复合材料制成重量轻的车身,以使电动车成为实用。经估计到1998年光 No, but U.S. President Clinton appears to be “piloting” sitting in an experimental electric car. Many experts believe that such cars can play an important role in improving urban pollution. Through a partnership with Orlachtr A.G, SMUD American Electric Vehicle Corp. and Mcclellam Air Force Base, Ciba Composites sought to make lightweight electric cars out of composite materials to make it practical. Estimated by 1998 light
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A series of reports concerning the mandatory standard system, active safety, passive safety, environmental protection, energy saving, etc. is launched out from