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“政府上网工程”是由中国电信数据通讯局和相关部委信息主管部门策划、发动和统一规划、部署,各省、自治区、直辖市电信管理局作为支持落实单位,联合信息产业界中 ISP/ICP、软硬件厂商等各方力量,共同推动我国各级政府部门在互联网上建立正式站点,并提供信息共享和便民服务的应用项目,以构建我国的“电子政府”。尽管中国电信在线路、设备等方面已给了大力支持,但我们还应当看到,政府上网是促进政府职能转变的系统工程,除技术、设备等因素外,更需要位于部门之上的权威政府机构(以下简称权威机构)来大力普及提高政府的上网意识,协调各部门间的关系,制定倾斜政策来吸引社会投资等等。一句话,政府上网呼唤权威机构的政府行为来规范。政府上网呼唤权威机构的政府行为来规范 “Government Internet Project ” is planned, launched and unified planning and deployment by the Information Administration of China Telecom, Data and Communications Bureau and relevant ministries and commissions. The Telecommunication Administration of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, as the support and implementation unit, is the ISP / ICP in the joint information industry , Hardware and software vendors and other parties to jointly promote the establishment of official websites at all levels of government in China on the Internet and to provide information sharing and convenience service applications to build China’s “e-government.” Although China Telecom has given strong support in the areas of lines and equipment, we should also see that the government access to the Internet is a systematic project to promote the transformation of government functions. In addition to technology, equipment and other factors, it also needs authoritative government located above the departments Agencies (hereinafter referred to as the authority) to vigorously popularize the government to raise awareness of the Internet, coordinate the relationship between various departments, to develop tilt policy to attract social investment and so on. In short, the government calls the government authority to regulate the Internet. The government calls for the authority of government agencies to regulate government behavior
光肩星天牛是阔叶树种的主要蛀干害虫之一,以幼虫蛀食韧皮部和边材,并在木质部内蛀成不规则坑道进行危害,严重地阻碍养分和水分的输送,影响树木的正常生长。 1990年在巴盟发现光肩星