
来源 :高等农业教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blueflower368
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高职院校校企合作机制运作的前提条件是合作双方通过合作可按低于市场的价格获取对方资源以优化各方利益,故其合作本质符合虚拟企业的组织特征。研究探索将虚拟企业理论用于分析高职院校校企深度合作机制问题的适应性;从文化对接机制、资源整合机制及利益分配机制等角度给出虚拟企业框架下高职院校校企合作中暴露出的若干问题;提出建构基于文化对接、资源整合及利益分配的虚拟企业型校企合作机制的若干策略。 The prerequisite for the operation of the school-enterprise cooperation mechanism in higher vocational colleges is that the cooperation parties can obtain the resources of each other at lower than the market price through cooperation so as to optimize the interests of all parties. Therefore, the nature of the cooperation is in line with the organizational characteristics of the virtual enterprise. The research explores the application of virtual enterprise theory to analyze the adaptability of the problem of cooperation between universities and enterprises in higher vocational colleges. From the point of view of cultural docking mechanism, resources integration mechanism and profit distribution mechanism, it gives the cooperation between colleges and enterprises under the framework of virtual enterprise Some problems that have been exposed; put forward some strategies to establish a virtual enterprise-university-enterprise cooperation mechanism based on cultural docking, resource integration and profit distribution.
我国上市公司的股票有 A股、B股、H股、N股和 S股等的区分。这一区分主要依据股票的上市地点和所面对的投资者而定。B股的正式名称是人民币特种股票。它是以人民币标明面值 ,