
来源 :城市史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaomingze2631539
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文章从近代工业发展的阶段性和空间感、诸城市工业的产业结构和特征等三部分,论述华北诸城市抗战前近代工业的发展,以探索其区域特征。文章认为,华北诸城市近代工业的发展脉络从时序上几乎是同步的,从空间布局上为东密西疏,集中在大中城市和矿山专业城镇,这种现象到民国时期仍然没有明显改善。各城市根据口岸和腹地物产等优势,构筑了具有一定同一性和异质性的行业结构和体系,体现了自然和社会环境对工业的影响,该行业结构和布局一直影响以后各城市经济。华北区域近代工业的特征主要为,投资者随着环境的变化有所侧重,20世纪后政府行为和色彩愈发明显;各城市中外资进入时段相对较短,投资力度和部门各异,且日资势力迅速扩大趋于行业垄断;而且大中城市与城镇的工业结构形成了一定的互补。 This paper discusses the development of modern industry in the cities of North China before the war of resistance against the background of the stage and space in modern industrial development and the industrial structure and characteristics of the industries in Zhucheng so as to explore the regional characteristics. The article holds that the development of modern industries in all the cities of North China is almost synchronous in time sequence. The spatial distribution of East and West is concentrated in large and medium-sized cities and specialized towns in mines. This phenomenon has not been significantly improved until the period of the Republic of China. In accordance with the advantages of ports and hinterland properties, cities in the world have constructed industrial structures and systems of a certain degree of identity and heterogeneity, reflecting the impact of the natural and social environments on the industry. The structure and layout of the industry have always affected the economy of cities in the future. The characteristics of modern industry in North China are mainly as follows: Investors focus on the changes of the environment, and the behavior and color of the government become more and more obvious after the 20th century. The entering time of foreign capital in each city is relatively short, with different investment intensity and departments, The rapid expansion of capital power tends to be monopolized by industries; moreover, the industrial structure of large and medium-sized cities and towns and cities have formed a certain complementarity.
<正> 本文探讨的重点是工业行业投资的演变特点及其对工业行业发展的影响。一、工业行业的演变与涨落工业内的行业结构可以看成是一个复杂的系统,这个系统不是静止不变的,也