病历介绍 例1,女,52岁,因左眼反复红肿、磨擦感,伴视物不清半年,加重10天,在当地医院诊为:沙眼、结膜炎。给抗生素眼水眼膏点眼治疗,疗效不佳,近10天再次红肿而来我院就诊。查视力:右5.1,左4.8;右眼正常,左眼睑水肿不易翻转,球结膜充血,角膜透明,虹膜纹理清,瞳孔大小正常,光反射敏感,前房深浅适中,晶体无混浊,眼压指测后,病人自述磨擦感加重,经再次详细追问病史,病人回忆在一次拔草时曾被草穗刺中左眼,当时流泪,磨擦感,畏光。用1%丁卡因点患眼3次,用眼睑拉钩拉开上睑,详细探查上穹窿部结膜囊,发现穹窿部12点处有椭圆形
Case description 1, female, 52 years old, due to repeated left eye redness, friction, palpitations with six months, increased 10 days, at the local hospital diagnosed as: trachoma, conjunctivitis. Give antibiotic eye drops ointment eye treatment, poor efficacy, redness and swelling from the past 10 days to our hospital. Visual acuity: right 5.1, left 4.8; right eye is normal, difficult to flip the left eyelid edema, conjunctival hyperemia, corneal transparency, iris texture clear, normal pupil size, light reflection sensitive, moderate anterior chamber depth, crystal opacity, After the test, the patient readme a sense of friction aggravated by a detailed history of the questioning again, the patient reminded me when the grass was spike thorns in the left eye, was tears, friction, photophobia. With 1% tetracaine eye 3 times, with the eyelid pull hook to open the upper lid, a detailed exploration of the fornix conjunctival sac and found that the vault 12 oval