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根据储集层中原油分布推测储集层产液特征,是勘探开发工作的关键。由于非均质储集层中原油分布受制于渗透率级差、注油速率、充注模式和充注量等因素,导致原油在其中的分布状态复杂多样。储集层产液特征与原油在储集层中的分布密切相关。明晰影响非均质储集层中原油分布的因素及与产液特征的关系,同时注意润湿性、孔隙结构和油质条件对储集层产液的影响,才能较为准确地预测储集层产液特征,为勘探开发方案的制定提供有利依据。 It is the key of exploration and development to infer reservoir fluid characteristics according to the distribution of crude oil in reservoirs. As the distribution of crude oil in heterogeneous reservoirs is subject to factors such as permeability gradient, oil injection rate, filling mode and charging amount, the distribution of crude oil therein is complex and diverse. Reservoir fluid characteristics are closely related to the distribution of crude oil in the reservoir. Clearly affect the distribution of crude oil in heterogeneous reservoirs factors and the relationship with the characteristics of liquid production, while paying attention to wetting, pore structure and oil conditions on the reservoir fluid production in order to more accurately predict the reservoir Liquid production characteristics for the development of exploration and development programs to provide a favorable basis.
摘要:本文从整合课程内容、设计教学过程和注意事项三个方面,阐述了一体化教学方法在高职《PLC应用技术》课堂中的应用。  关键词:一体化教学法 高职《PLC应用技术》 运用  在高职教育中采用“教、学、做”一体化的教学方法势在必行,它要求教师在做中教,学生在做中学,以此发挥师生各自的个性和特长,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的职业素养和自主学习能力。  《PLC应用技术》是机电一体化专业的核心课程,
This paper deals with the geochemical features of the two Early Paleozoic ophiolite zones in the central|southern Tianshan region and the central Tianshan igneo
20 0 2年 5月 2 1日至 5月 2 4日 ,中石化股份公司古潜山勘探技术交流会在大连举行 ,这是中国石油界召开的首次古潜山勘探技术交流会。胡见义、刘光鼎院士及阎敦实、高瑞琪、
Partition coefficient difference of benzocarba-zole isomers between oil, water and mineral phase makes them a useful indicator to quantify petroleum migration d
由中科院南海海洋所、武汉岩土力学研究所和厦门大学海洋三所组成的南沙综合科学考察队共有科技人员 77人。武汉岩土力学所汪稔研究员的博士生孟庆山、张家铭等 7人参加。科