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遵照中央领导同志对熔融还原研究工作的重要指示精神,1986年5月12至15日,冶金部科技司和中国金属学会在北京召开了“第四次熔融还原会议”。国家计委、科委及有关23个单位八十余人参加了会议。冶金部总工程师周传典、技科司司长于力和国家科委工业局总工程师廖予群等同志讲了话。会议主要研究讨论了“七五”期间熔融还原技术的开发计划。14位同志在大会上发言,介绍了国外发展动态,汇报了国内研究工作的进展情况,提出了“七五”期间研究工作方案和设想。代表们就此进行了广泛充分的讨论,中国金属学会代秘书长陶少杰 In accordance with the important directives of the central leading comrades on the research of melt reduction, from May 12 to May 15, 1986, the Ministry of Metallurgical Science and Technology and the Chinese Society of Metals held the Fourth Fusion Reduction Conference in Beijing. More than 80 people from the State Development Planning Commission, the Science and Technology Commission and relevant 23 units attended the meeting. Zhou Chuan-dian, chief engineer of the Ministry of Metallurgy, Yu Li, director of the department of science and technology, and Liaoyun Qun, chief engineer of the State Science and Technology Administration of Industry and Commerce, made speeches. The meeting mainly discussed and discussed the development plan of the fusion reduction technology during the “Seventh Five-Year Plan”. Fourteen comrades spoke at the conference, introduced the developments in foreign countries, reported on the progress of their research work in China, and proposed work plans and plans for the study during the Seventh Five-Year Plan. Delegates held extensive discussions on this issue, and Tao Shaojie, acting secretary general of China Metallurgical Society
[背景 ]探讨刷片细胞学检查在胃及食管癌诊断中的价值 .[病例报告 ]用刷片细胞学检查诊断为胃、食管癌的 2 13例与病理活体检查结果进行比较 .[结果 ]刷片细胞学检查与病理诊
树突状细胞(DC)是有效的抗原呈递细胞,我们从初诊慢性粒细胞白血病慢性期(CMLCP)患者的外周血中培养出DC,探讨其对特异性抗白血病T细胞(AntiLBT)的作用。病例和方法1 病例 初诊CMLCP患者16例。均有t(9;22)染
各位同志,各位理事: 我讲三点意见。一、关于我们这次会议我们的会议已经开了三天,明天还要讨论一天。这是一次炼铁界的盛会,是一次很重要的会议。说它重要,具有两层意思。
目的 探讨体表超声对中段食管癌的诊断价值。方法 采用扇形扫描探头,以心脏为声窗,对55 例中段食管癌患者进行体表超声探测,观察病灶部位、长度、壁厚度、僵硬感、与邻近组织的