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党的十四届四中全会提出用三年时间在广大党员中组织学习建设有中国特色社会主义理论和党章,中央和上海市委组织宣传部门分别下达了“双学”的实施意见。上海市科技党委据此对本系统开展“双学”活动作了具体安排,其中将党员处级干部轮训任务交由上海市科技党校实施。从去年5月至今年4月底,“双学”轮训班已举办了10期,参加轮训的党员处级干部超过500人,占应训人数的三分之二。轮训班共计收到学习论文和学习体会400余篇。参加轮训的同志普遍认为,学与不学大不一样,参加轮训大有必要;送训的中国科学院上海分院、上海科学院、市科协及部局驻沪研究院所 The Fourth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Party proposed to organize the study and construction of the theory and party constitution of socialism with Chinese characteristics among the large numbers of Party members in three years, and the propaganda departments of the CPC Central Committee and Shanghai Municipal Party Committee respectively issued the implementation opinions on “double learning.” Based on this, the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Party Committee made specific arrangements for the “double learning” activity of the system, in which the tasks of rotation training at Party-level cadres are handed over to the Shanghai Science and Technology Party School. From May last year to the end of April this year, the “Double Learning” rotation class has been held for 10 times. More than 500 Party-level cadres participated in the rotation training, accounting for two-thirds of the number of people trained. Training classes received a total of learning papers and learning experience more than 400 articles. The comrades participating in the rotation training generally believe that learning and not learning are quite different and it is necessary for them to participate in the rotation training; the Shanghai Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Shanghai Academy of Science, the Shanghai Association for Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education, Shanghai Research Institute
7月23日,浙江省知识产权保护工作领导小组办公室昌金铭主任召开座谈会,研究、部署下半年的工作。专利、商标、版权、广电、文化等部门的同志参加会议。 各部门回顾了上半年
《也谈阅读教学中教师的讲解》———为“讲解”正名,新课程并不排斥教师的讲解。 “Talk about teaching teachers to explain reading” --- “to explain” the name, th