
来源 :河池师专学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nidayedejb
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随着改革开放的不断深入和与之出现的种种社会问题,使法制建设和法制教育日见其重要性。 邓小平同志曾经指出:“搞四个现代化一定要有两手,只有一手是不行的。所谓两手,即一手抓建设,一手抓法制。”的确,我国是一个有着几千年封建传统的国家,人们的法制观念淡薄,面对改革开放的新形势,再不加强法制建设和法制教育,树立应有的法制观念,改革开放就难以顺利进行,社会主义四化建设就不能稳步前进,违法犯罪的人数及现象必将上升难下。因此,作为学校,尤其是作为培养人类灵魂工程师——教师的师范学校,如何重视开展普法教育就成为当前学校教育工作中的一个重要的、新的课题。 师范学校进行法制教育,首先要校级领导统一认识,统一步伐,把普法教育工作提到重要的议事日程上来,同时率先在领导干部和共产党员中开展普法教育并进行测试检查,使领导干部和党员首先成为被教育者,然后在此基础上统一思想,明确方向,同心协力地 With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up and the various social problems that have arisen there, it is of great importance to legal construction and legal education. Comrade Deng Xiaoping once pointed out: “There must be two hands to engage in the four modernizations and no one-handed thing to do with the four modernizations. The so-called two-handed hand means building the one hand and the rest of the rule of law.” Indeed, our country is a country with thousands of years of feudal tradition. In the face of the new situation of reform and opening up, the legal system construction and education in the legal system will not be strengthened and the legal concept should be established. Reform and opening up will be difficult to carry out smoothly. Socialist development in the four modernizations will not be able to move forward steadily. The number and phenomena of crimes committed Will rise up hard. Therefore, how to emphasize the popularization of education as a normal school, especially as a teacher training school, is an important and new topic in current school education. To carry out the legal education in normal schools, we must first establish unified understanding and unification among leaders at the university level, mention the popularization education work on the important agenda, and at the same time, take the lead in carrying out legal education and conducting tests and tests among leading cadres and party members so that leading cadres and Party members first become educated, and then on the basis of unity of thinking, a clear direction, work together
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在全面测试和深入调查的基础上,对初中数学差生的特点和形成原因进行了初步探讨,并通过具体的个案分析,提出了转化差生的一些对策. On the basis of comprehensive tests and in
随着社会的高速发展、人才的争夺战也 必将越演越烈。当众多目光投向“已 有的”人才时,他们把视点瞄向了 未来。为了一项崇高的事业, 苦苦地拼搏了十年,配合 家庭、配合学校