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我从民国末年编的益阳乡土资料上第一次读到汤鹏的诗《梦游浮邱山》,心头蓦地一惊,遂有一种被融化的感觉。这种感觉,只有读李白苏轼的时候才会有。 仅仅一首诗,我便与汤鹏结缘,仅仅一首诗,那种磅礴的气势和浪漫的才情使我久久感动。我感到与诗人心灵的一种投契。 因为一首诗,便很想知道汤鹏其人,偶然知道益阳师专老教授王子义先生校点过汤鹏著作《浮邱子》,而图书馆存有一册,便想借来一阅。乙亥年七月初七上午,我去益阳市图书馆,顺利地借到《浮邱子》一书, The first time I read the poems of Yi-pang floating in the mountain of Yiyang from Yiyang’s local materials, compiled in the last years of the Republic of China, I was shocked and there was a feeling of being melted. This feeling, only when reading Li Bai Su Shi will have. Just a poem, I and Tang Peng get along, only a poem, the kind of majestic momentum and romantic talent made me a long time moving. I feel a kind of concession with the poet’s heart. Because of a poem, they would very much like to know Tang Peng their people, accidentally know Yiyang Teachers College Professor Wang Ziyi points over Tang Peng’s book “floating Qiuzi”, and the library has a book, would like to borrow for a while. On the seventh morning of July in July of the next year, I went to Yiyang City Library and smoothly borrowed the book “Floating Qiu Zi”
此文为即将在台湾出版的小说集《在没有航标的河流上》所写的自序 This article is about to be published in Taiwan’s novel collection “in the absence of beacon of
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病例1 男性,71岁。因头晕、呕吐咖啡色液体和右侧肢体麻木3小时入院。呕吐物总量约500~700ml,右侧肢体麻木,无意识障碍。既往有高血压病20余年,无消化系统疾病史。查体:神清,
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