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课堂教学中,倾听应是师生共同关注的事。教师放下已有的想法和判断,用心理解学生的感受和需要,并给予适当评价反馈。同时引导学生理解倾听的内容,促进学生之间互相理解和欣赏。倾听,使得师生共享生命成长的幸福。 Classroom teaching, listening should be teachers and students concerned about things. Teachers put down the existing ideas and judgments, carefully understand the feelings and needs of students, and give appropriate feedback. At the same time guide students to understand the contents of listening, to promote mutual understanding and appreciation of students. Listening, making teachers and students share the happiness of life growth.
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【摘要】“主题式”阅读教学,旨在培养学生的创新精神、自主学习能力和信息整合能力,给学生提供充分的想象和联想空间,循序渐进地培养学生的思维能力,激发学生的阅读动力。  【关键词】主题式阅读 阅读能力 自主探究  随着当前教学模式的不断丰富与深入发展,“主题式”教学模式在语文阅读教学环节中越来越广泛地为教师所应用。“主题式”阅读教学具有其自身的教学意义与价值,它能为学生良好的思维品质和阅读能力的养成奠