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我国加入WTO后,将为勘察设计行业带来历史性的发展机遇,交通基础设施领域可吸引更多的国外资金参与建设,国内的勘察设计市场进一步扩大;而且勘察设计市场的范围不再局限于国内或者是个别的国家,而是WTO的所有成员国家。同时,我国加入WTO后,也对勘察设计单位提出了一系列严峻的挑战,如人才观念、设计体制、市场意识等等。加强人才队伍的建设经济全球化和知识经济时代,企业的竞争归根到底是人才的竞争。加入WTO后,一些高水平的专业技术及管理人才将会越来越受到市场的青睐。因此,海南公路勘察设计院把如何用好人才、吸收人才、留住人才作为一项事关企业生死存亡的战略任务来抓。——更新观念,用好人才。在用人问题上,海南公路勘察设计院坚决摈弃 After China’s accession to the WTO, it will bring historic development opportunities for the survey and design industry, transport infrastructure will attract more foreign funds to participate in the construction, the domestic survey and design market will further expand; and the scope of the survey and design market is no longer limited to Domestic or individual countries, but all member countries of the WTO. At the same time, after China’s accession to the WTO, it also put forward a series of severe challenges to the survey and design units, such as talent concept, design system, market awareness and so on. Strengthening the construction of a contingent of qualified personnel In the era of economic globalization and knowledge economy, the competition of enterprises is in the final analysis the competition of talents. After joining the WTO, some high-level professional and managerial talents will be increasingly favored by the market. Therefore, Hainan Highway Survey and Design Institute takes how to make good use of talent, absorb talents, and retain talent as a strategic task that concerns the survival of an enterprise. - Renew ideas and use talented people. On the issue of employing people, Hainan Highway Survey and Design Institute resolutely abandoned
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