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“十三五”规划有两个焦点问题,一个是国企改革,一个是可持续发展。作为国家战略的子系统,“健康中国”的焦点问题就是医改能否顺利推进。十八届五中全会通过的《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划的建议》,其中一个重要内容就是把推进健康中国写入全会公报。更好地理解“健康中国”和“十三五”规划的重要意义,我认为需要用系统论的方法来分析和解读,即把全世界发展趋势看做一个大系统,中国作为其中的一个子系统;把中国的国家发展和民族复 “Thirteen Five ” planning has two focal points, one is the reform of state-owned enterprises, one is sustainable development. As a subsystem of national strategy, the focus of “Healthy China ” is whether medical reform can be smoothly promoted. One of the important contents of the “Proposal of the CPC Central Committee for Formulating the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development” passed by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was to include the promotion of healthy China into the communique. To understand the significance of “Healthy China” and “Thirteen Five” planning better, I think it is necessary to analyze and interpret it in a systematic way. That is to say, the development trend in the world is viewed as a large system. As a One of the subsystems; to China’s national development and national complex
采用电阻炉对用电磁搅拌方法制备的半固态AlSi17Mg合金二次加热,结合金相分析研究了半固态组织的转变机制.实验发现,共晶相中的Si相通过向 相中扩散溶解,其形状从片层状断裂成点链状颗粒,并
具体介绍切削工具材料如高速钢、硬质合金、陶瓷、金属陶瓷、刀具涂层技术、超硬材料的演变和进展。 Specific introduction of cutting tool materials such as high-speed
对旋转机械的常见故障进行了模拟实验研究,用频谱分析技术、小波变换和延时嵌陷理论对测到的振动信号进行了分析,并提取了旋转机械常见故障的特征。 The common failures of r
肺发育不良在围产期十分常见 ,且是新生儿死亡的主要原因之一。绝大多数的肺发育不良继发于其他畸形病变 ,如先天性膈疝、肾积水等。近年来 ,随着胎儿外科技术的逐步成熟 ,一
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什么样的经济体制是最好的 ?什么样的市场经济是最好的 ?什么样的经济体制对于世界经济是最好的 ?国家经济体制与世界经济体制有哪些区别 ?现在存在一种全球秩序框架或者一种