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  The bush was alive with excitement. Mrs. Koala had a brand new baby, and the news spread like wildfire. The kookaburras in the highest gum-trees heard of it, and laughed and chuckled at the idea. In and out of their burrows the rabbits came scuttling1, their big brown eyes opening wide with wonder as they heard the news. Over the grass the message went where Mrs. Kangaroo was quietly hopping towards her home. She fairly leapt2 in the air with joy. “I must tell Mr. Kangaroo!” she cried and bounded away in great hops and leaps. Even Mrs. Snake, who was having a nap, awoke, gave a wriggle, and blinked her wicked little eyes.
  The whole bushland was twittering3 with the news, for a baby bear was a great event. Mrs. Koala had a baby every two years, and as Mrs. Rabbit had very, very many during that time, you can just imagine how surprised everyone was. In the fork of a gum-tree, far above the ground, Mrs. Koala nursed her baby, peeping4 every now and then at the tiny creature in her pouch5. This little baby was the funniest little creature. He was only about an inch long and covered with soft baby fur, had two big ears, compared to the size of the rest of him, a tiny black nose, and two beady6 eyes. His mother and father always had a surprised look on their faces, but they looked more surprised than ever now as they gazed at their baby, Blinky Bill.
  He peeped at them and blinked, as much as to say, “Aren’t you glad I’m here?”
  Mr. Koala puffed7 out his cheeks with pride, and his wife hugged her baby tighter than ever.
  There had been quite a lot of quarrelling and jealousy8 among the bush folk as to who should be the baby’s nurse.
  Mrs. Kookaburra was the first to offer her services, and she came flying over to the tree where the Koalas lived. Knocking on the tree with her strong beak9 she asked if she might come in.
  笑翠鸟夫人是第一个来提供服务的。她飞到考拉住的那棵树上,用坚硬的嘴敲了敲树,问她是否可以进来。   “Certainly,” said Mrs. Bear, “if you don’t laugh and wake the baby up.”
  “Do you want a nurse for him?” Mrs. Kookaburra asked worriedly.
  “Yes, I do,” Mrs. Bear replied.
  “Will I do?” Mrs. Kookaburra asked.
  “Oh, no!” said Mrs. Bear. “Your laugh is so loud and you chuckle so long that you’d wake the baby up.”
  Poor Mrs. Kookaburra was very disappointed and flew off to tell Mrs. Magpie about it.
  “I’ll go over and see if I can be the nurse,” said Mrs. Magpie. “Mrs. Bear is very particular and I’m sure I will suit.” She gave her feathers a fluff10 and sharpened her beak, then straight to the Koalas’ home she flew.
  “Come in,” called Mrs. Bear on hearing the peck at the tree.
  “Good morning, Mrs. Koala. I hear you are wanting a nurse for the baby. I’m sure I could keep the baby in order as I’ve had a few dozen myself.”
  “Thank you, Mrs. Magpie,” said Mrs. Bear very politely, “but I don’t like the look of your beak. You could give a very nasty11 peck with it.”
  “They all want a peck sometimes,” said Mrs. Magpie in a very cross tone. At this the baby bear popped his head right out of his mother’s pouch and blinked very hard.
  “They all want a peck sometimes,” said Mrs. Magpie.
  “If you are so particular, I’ll send along a friend of mine who will suit you very well.” And saying this Mrs. Magpie gave the tree a hard peck and flew off. Imagine Mrs. Koala’s surprise when she peeped down the tree later on and saw Mrs. Snake slowl
  y wriggling her way upwards. Oh, she was frightened!
  “Go away, Mrs. Snake!” she called in a loud voice.
  “I’ve come to nurse the baby; Mrs. Magpie sent me.” And Mrs. Snake wriggled higher up the tree. Right on to the branch where Mrs. Koala sat she came, and coiled herself round the fork
  “我是来照顾孩子的,喜鹊太太让我来的。”蛇太太爬上树,就盘绕在考拉太太坐的树枝上。   “I don’t want a nurse.” And poor frightened Mrs. Bear tried to push the baby’s head back in the pouch. But he would peep out.
   “He’s a nice little fellow, and like his daddy,” said Mrs. Snake slyly. “I can take him along on my back for such lovely rides up and down trees and in and out big black holes.”
  Hearing this Mrs. Bear nearly fell off the tree with fright, and began to cry.
  Now Mr. Koala had been listening to Mrs. Snake as he sat on a branch just round the corner. Slowly he climbed over to Mrs. Snake and caught her in his claws. Before anyone had time to see what was happening he pushed her off the branch and she went tumbling12 to the ground below. Two very frightened bears peeped down from the tree, and there they saw Mrs. Snake slowly crawling away in the grass.
  They were just beginning to recover from this fright when a thump, thump, thump, was heard on the ground at the foot of the tree.
   “Who’s there?” called Mrs. Bear in a very frightened voice.
  “It’s just me!” came the reply.
  “Who’s ‘me’?” cried Mr. Bear.
  “Angelina Wallaby,” called a very soft voice.
   “Come up, come up,” Mrs. Bear replied.
   “I can’t climb; my tail is all wrong,” said Angelina.
  “Well, I’ll come down, if Mrs. Snake is nowhere about,” said Mrs. Bear. And she slowly started to climb down the tree. Very carefully she went, always grasping the tree with her strong claws, her back showing all the time, while she cleverly looked over her shoulder now and then to see that all was safe below. It took her quite a time to reach the ground and she felt very nervous.
  Angelina Wallaby hopped over to her and looked in surprise at the baby.
  “What a dear little fellow!” she said, her great brown eyes rounding with excitement. At the same time she put out her paws to touch him.   “多么可爱的小家伙!”她说,那双棕色的大眼睛兴奋得溜溜转,同时还伸出爪子去碰他。
  “Oh, don’t!” cried Mrs. Bear. “He is so small and your nails might hurt him.”
  “I’ve been all the morning blunting13 them on a stone so that I could pat him,” said Angelina in a disappointed voice.
  “Oh, I’m sorry,” said Mrs. Bear. “I did not mean to be rude, but Mrs. Snake gave me such a fright.”
  “I’ll be ever so gentle,” said Angelina, “if you let me pat him just this once.”
  “Very well,” smiled Mrs. Bear as she opened her pouch.
  Angelina Wallaby patted him twice, then sniffed him all over with her soft nose. Now her eyelashes caught in his little toes, but Angelina did not mind, as she had had babies herself and knew just what to do.
  “I wish I could mind him for you sometimes, Mrs. Bear. I’d be so gentle with him.”
  “I’m sure you would be the very kindest nurse,” replied Mrs. Bear. “But what could you do for him?”
  “I would come along in the evenings, and take him out for a walk. I’ve got a pouch just like yours, and I’d put him in it and hop along very gently, so he wouldn’t feel the bumps.”
  “I think that is a good idea,” said Mrs. Bear.
  So it was arranged that Mrs. Bear should climb down the tree every evening and meet Angelina Wallaby who would take the baby for a walk in the bush.
  Imagine how proud Angelina felt!She hopped home very quickly that evening to tell her friends the news.
  Next day, just as the sun was setting, she came to the foot of the gum-tree and thumped three times on the ground with her tail. Mrs. Bear peeped around the corner of her home and, seeing Angelina at the foot of the tree, called out:
  “I’m coming down with the baby, so watch for Mrs. Snake.” Then she carefully and slowly climbed to the bottom of the tree.
  “Is the coast clear?” she anxiously asked.   “海边安全吗?“她焦急地问。
  “Yes, Mrs. Bear. I passed Mrs. Snake on the road a mile away.”
  “Well, do be careful, Angelina; and bring him back before the day breaks. Is your pouch warm?” And Mrs. Bear checked Angelina’s pouch.
  “Yes, Mrs. Bear. It may be a little large, so I padded it well with grass; but it’s very warm and not a bit draughty14.”
  So the baby was carefully taken from his mother’s pouch and gently placed in Angelina’s.
  Waving a paw to Mrs. Bear she took a hop and then peeped down at the baby to see what he thought of it. Taking several more hops she soon started away for the bush track and in no time came to Mrs. Rabbit’s home. Thumping her tail on the ground, she waited a moment. Mrs. Rabbit popped her head out of the burrow.
  “Good evening, Mrs. Rab. I’ve brought the baby to show you.”
  “Good gracious, how lovely!” said Mrs. Rabbit. Angelina gently drew the baby bear from her pouch. Several more bunnies came round to see the new arrival.
  “Just look at his ears!” cried Mrs. Rabbit. “I’m sure I’d never hear with those furry things. And, oh dear, no tail!—Well, well!Take care he does not catch cold. I really think he should have a tail to keep him warm. I have a spare one hanging on the wall of the burrow. Poor Mr. Rabbit was shot, and I found his skin near by; but I managed to bite off the tail and bring it home.” Here poor Mrs. Rabbit burst into tears.
  “Never mind, my dear,” said Angelina gentlely. “If it will please you, we will tie it on the baby.”
  Mrs. Rabbit dried her eyes with her paw and went sniffling15 down into the burrow.
  “I won’t be a moment,” she called from somewhere down under the ground.
  Up she came in a very short time carrying the tail in her two front paws.
  “What can we sew it on with?” inquired Angelina.   “我们用什么把它缝上去呢?”安吉丽娜问。
  “We’ll tie it on with a piece of grass.” And Mrs. Rabbit hopped round until she found a nice long piece.
  “Here’s just the thing!” she cried, and came hopping back with it in her teeth.
  Angelina excitedly pulled the baby out of her pouch, and together they fastened the tail on. It did look funny, as it was almost as long as the baby; but it certainly would keep him warm.
  Saying her friend good night she hopped on her way. The moon was now shining brightly and all the bush was silent, except for the sound of those little animals who are always busy at night-time. Angelina smelled the night air with delight and felt very happy as she thought of the baby in her pouch. Hopping along between the great grey gum-trees she was suddenly scared to see Mrs. Snake lying right across her pathway.
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