
来源 :中华女子学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:winningking
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妇女学是一门新兴的学科,20世纪60年代末,出现在西方社会特别是美国的教学与科研领域之中。20世纪80年代初,妇女学作为一门综合性学科在中国兴起。近几年来,随着妇女理论研究热潮的兴起,人们从各种角度,广泛探讨妇女学的基本内容,使得中国妇女学得到了不断完善。 一、妇女学在中国的兴起与发展 一门学科能否创建,取决于两个方面,一是有无必要研究这门学科的理论价值;二是社会有没有创建这门学科的基础。妇女学能够兴起发展,正是顺应了这两个条件。 中国原来没有“妇女学”这一概念,1982年才有人开始使用“妇女学”一词。它见诸于《国外社会科学》杂志上刊登日本学者白井原的《争取女权运动的历史和妇女学》一文中,同年,华中工学院陈荣佩在《毛泽东社会学思想初探》一文中也提出妇女学的概念。1984年有关妇女学的文章大量登载。在全国妇联第一次妇女理论研讨会上,有人提出要建立中国的妇女学。许多专家学者,特别是全国各级妇联理论工作者,就中国妇女学的逻辑体系,以及中国妇女学应有的特色等问题发表了见解,引起了人们的广泛讨论。 1986年关于中国妇女学的讨论进入了最热烈的阶段。学者们就妇女学的性质、对象、内容和方法等等内容进行了更深入的探讨;在全国妇联第二次研讨会上,把建立中国妇女学 Women’s studies is a new discipline. In the late 1960s, it appeared in the teaching and research fields of western society, especially the United States. In the early 1980s, women’s studies emerged as a comprehensive discipline in China. In recent years, with the rise of women’s theoretical research upsurge, people have extensively discussed the basic content of women’s studies from various angles and made Chinese women’s studies continuously improved. First, the rise and development of women’s studies in China A subject can be created, depends on two aspects, one is the need to study the theoretical value of this discipline; the second is whether society has to create the basis of this discipline. The development of women’s studies is able to meet these two conditions. China originally did not have the concept of “women’s studies,” and only in 1982 did it begin to use the term “women’s studies.” In the article entitled “History and Women’s Studies for the Feminist Movement” published by Japanese scholar Shiraihara in Foreign Social Sciences magazine, Chen Rongpei of Huazhong University of Science and Technology said in the article entitled “A Preliminary Study of Mao Zedong’s Sociological Thoughts” the concept of. 1984 articles on women’s studies published in large numbers. At the first Women’s Theory Seminar of the All-China Women’s Federation, some people proposed to establish a women’s studies program in China. Many experts and scholars, especially the theoreticians at the women’s federations at all levels in the country, expressed their opinions on the logic system of Chinese women’s studies and the characteristics that Chinese women studies should have, which aroused people’s extensive discussions. The discussion on Chinese women’s studies in 1986 entered the hottest phase. Scholars conducted a more in-depth discussion on the nature, objects, contents and methods of women’s studies. In the second seminar of the All-China Women’s Federation, they discussed the establishment of Chinese women’s studies
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