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同志们:民主评议行风,是加强基层民主建设、保证人民群众行使民主监督权利的一种有效形式。三年来,我们以全省民主评议行风工作为契机,狠抓统计行风建设,在全省统计系统连续开展了创建学习型、服务型、效率型机关和加强行风建设,争创文明行业、文明单位等系列活动。各级统计局高度重视统计行风建设工作,按照省统计局党组的统一部署,把加强统计行风建设和民主评议行风工作作为树立 Comrades: The democratic appraisal of business practices is an effective form of strengthening the building of grassroots-level democracy and ensuring that the people exercise the right to democratic supervision. In the past three years, taking the opportunity of democratic appraisal of the province as an opportunity, we pay close attention to the construction of statistical practice and continuously set up a learning, service-oriented and efficiency-oriented organ in the province’s statistical system and step up our efforts in building a culture of civilization , Civilized units and other activities. Statistics Bureau at all levels attaches great importance to the construction of statistical style of work in accordance with the unified arrangements of the Provincial Bureau of Statistics party, to strengthen the construction of statistical work style and democratic appraising style of work as a
On July 23rd, 2009 Carlyle Sinorgchem Shandong Co., Ltd. (Carlyle Sinorgchem) held aground breaking ceremony for its rubber antioxidant expansion project in Ca
eBay 并购易趣,新浪、雅虎进军 C2C,阿里巴巴创办淘宝网,三大事件标志着中国电子商务进入了“巨头时代”。IT 市场步入复苏,夹杂着复杂资本运作的电子商务概念再度成为资本
On August 12th, Guizhou Kailin (Group) Co., Ltd. (Kailin) started up its first phase of 1.2 million t/a diammonium phosphate project in Kailin Dashui Industria
低钠血症是肾病综合征的并发症之一 ,其发生病因与长期忌盐、应用利尿剂过多、感染、呕吐和腹泻等因素有关 ,当血清钠低于 130mmol/L时 ,可引起抽搐。目前 ,国内未见成组病例报告
211例2月~15岁儿童进行食道心房调搏 (TEAP)电生理检查 ,发现49例房室结双径道 (DAVNP) ,其中12例(24.5% )在常规心电图上表现为I°房室传导阻滞 (I°AVB)、间歇性I°AVB、II