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2007—2008赛季开打前,有谁敢在76人身上下注,赌他们能进季后赛?5胜10负,76人首月的胜率甚至不及上赛季(35胜47负),总经理比利·金当了替罪羊,黯然下岗。尤其是把科沃尔支走后,76人干脆地来了个7连败,排名直逼乐透区。这似乎预示着,76人杀进季后赛的难度,不亚于网友中得北京奥运会开幕式门票。然而令人意外的是,76人在下半程如有神助,俨然一支东部劲旅。享受完了二月份的5连胜和11胜4负的甜蜜三月后,76人一举锁定季后赛席位。76人的晋级之匙其实很简单,那就是玩命防守——在三月份的11场胜利中,76人有5次把对手的得分限制在90分以下,在他们凶悍的防守下,公牛主帅博伊兰甚至自嘲是“在泥浆里打球”。 Who dares to bet on the 76ers before the 2007-2008 season, betting they can make the playoffs? 5 wins and 10 losses, 76 first-month winning percentage even less than last season (35 wins and 47 losses), general manager of Billy Gold became a scapegoat, sadly laid off. In particular, after Korver left, the 76ers simply came a seven-game losing streak, ranking straight Lotto. This seems to indicate that the difficulty of the 76ers into the playoffs, no less than the netizen in the Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony tickets. However, it is surprising that the 76ers in the second half as if God help, just like an eastern brigade. After enjoying the 5-game winning streak in February and the sweet-win 11-4 record, the 76ers locked the playoff spot in one fell swoop. In fact, the key to the 76ers is very simple, that is defensive - in the 11 victories in March, 76 have five times the opponent’s score limited to 90 points or less, in their fierce defense, the Bulls coach Bo Eland even self-deprecating is “play in the mud ”.
本赛季 NBA 联盟将主打宣传口号改为了“奇迹发生之地”。克里斯·保罗和他的新奥尔良黄蜂,当之无愧地成了这一口号的最佳代言人。4个赛季前搬到西部联盟,当季(2004—2005赛
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