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我是一名医务工作者,有一次在公共场所看到有些人不讲卫生,觉得应该把自己所学到的知识介绍给大家。夜里,我下了很大决心,想写篇文章讲讲卫生知识,结果花了几天功夫,稿子仍然写的不象样,病句,错别字太多。宣传科的同志看了稿子后,细心修改,当面讲消息、通讯、杂谈的写作方法。宣传科长拿出《新闻爱好者》《河南石油报通讯》给我看,让我多观察,勤动脑,多动手,深入采访,心里想什么写什么,诸如好人好事,模范人物事迹。在日常工作中,我边工作边观察,夜深人 I am a medical worker, and once I saw in public places some people do not talk about hygiene, I think I should introduce what I have learned to you. In the night, I made a great deal of determination and wanted to write an essay on health knowledge. The result was a few days’ effort. The manuscript was still written in a bad style with too many typos and typos. After reading the manuscript, the comrades of the propaganda section carefully revised and talked about the methods of writing messages, newsletters and shouts. Publicity chief took out “news lover” “Henan Petroleum Newsletters” to show me, let me observe more, diligent, more hands-on, in-depth interview, my heart what to write, such as good deeds, exemplary deeds. In my daily work, I observe while working, and I am deeply impressed
The bias drift of a micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) accelerometer suffers from the 1/f noise and the tem-perature effect. For massive applications, the
小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)是世界上最重要的粮食作物之一,不断提高其生产水平对于保证粮食安全具有重要意义。加强小麦种质创新,培育遗传基础丰富的优异种质材料,对小麦的
We propose an efficient colocated multiple-input multiple-output radar waveform-design method based on two-step optimizations in the spatial and spectral domain
To achieve fine segmentation of complex natural images, people often resort to an interactive segmentation paradigm, since fully automatic methods often fail to