Units 3—4词汇积累

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  Unit 3
  1.in front of
  解读 (1)介词短语,意思是“在……前面”。例如:
Ⅰ.词汇  A)根据句意和首字母填空。  1. My mother goes out, so I have to b____ my younger brother.   2. My grandmother lives in the c____ and we live in the city.   3. China is f____ for the Great Wall.   4. He is p_
Unit 8    1.Is it someone in your family? 是不是你家里的人?  解读 (1)it在此句中指人,表示说话时不清楚的对象可以用it代替。例如:  ——Who is it? 是哪位?——It’s me. 我。  Sorry!I didn’t know it was you. 对不起!我不知道是你。  (2)it除上述用法外,还有:  ①代替前文提到过的事物。  
Ⅰ.词汇  A)根据句意及所给首字母,完成下列单词。  1. I usually r____ a bike to school, but this morning I went to school on foot.   2. There is a l____ in the park. Look! The boys are swimming in it.   3. England is in E__
Ⅰ.词汇   A)根据句意和首字母完成句子。  1. He has a q____ breakfast, then he walks to school in a hurry.   2. It is three k____ from my home to school. So I usually take my bike to school.   3. My mother gets up e__
Unit 3    1.everyday;every day  everyday是形容词,作定语,表示“日常的、平常的、每天发生的”,相当于daily,而every day是副词短语作状语,表示“每天、天天”。如:
英语中的名词有可数名词与不可数名词之分,他们俩常常为自己在同学们心目中的地位发生争执,为此,我们今天特意举行一场“对抗赛”,让它们一争高低,精彩可不容错过!  [对抗一]身份之争  一个名词分成两半时还叫原名,该名词就是不可数名词,如yogurt分成两半还叫yogurt;否则为可数名词,如cup分成两半,就不能再叫茶杯,故为可数名词。但是有的名词既可为可数名词,也可为不可数名词,如orange。 
1.between, among与in的区别  Please put some beef ____ the two slices of bread and make a sandwich.  A. betweenB. withC. amongD. under  解析:A。本题考查介词的区别。简易的三明治即在两片面包之间夹些牛肉便可制成。在两者之间应该用between。而among指“在三者或三者以
Barcelona 1992 Emblem 巴塞罗那艺术光芒照亮五环     The official emblem,designed by Josep Maria Trias from Barcelona,depicted a dynamic human figure in a stance that suggested someone jumping an obstacle (which c
1.open, turn on  两者虽然都是动词表示“开”之意,但它们在用法上又有区别:  open通常用来表示“开门”、“开窗”、“开盒子”、“睁开眼”等,其反义词为close。例如:  It’s hot inside. Why not open the windows?   里面热,为什么不把窗户打开呢?  Please don’t open your eyes and guess: Wha