
来源 :医疗保健器具 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ydfang
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我院有一台日本产二氧化碳培养箱,其显示和控制都失灵,检查电源,发现其中一个三端稳压集成块(7815)的输入电压正常,但输出电压却只有零点几伏,断开三端稳压集成块的负载,其输出恢复正常,于是断定负载有短路故障。如果按照传统的维修方法,需逐步割开线路板或断开某些支路上的元件以判断短路发生的部位,这样做不但费时费力,对于一些紧凑的电路板甚至还会导致线路板或贵重元件的损坏,严重妨碍维修工作顺利进行。为了安全、快捷的解决这一问题,笔者想出一个利用欧姆定 There was a Japanese carbon dioxide incubator in our hospital. The display and control were not working. Check the power supply and found that the input voltage of one of the three-terminal regulator blocks (7815) was normal, but the output voltage was only a few tenths of a volt, and the three terminals were disconnected. The load of the regulated manifold blocks its output back to normal, thus determining that the load has a short-circuit fault. According to the traditional maintenance method, it is necessary to gradually cut the circuit board or disconnect some components to determine the location of the short circuit. This will not only take time and labor, but also lead to circuit boards or valuable components for some compact circuit boards. The damage has seriously hindered the maintenance work. In order to solve this problem safely and quickly, the author came up with a way to use Ohm
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美国阿尔贡国立实验所的研究人员,利用食品加工后的废弃物为原料,生产出一种乳酸聚合物薄膜。它可作种子和肥料的包装材料、农业用薄膜和纸张的涂层材料 Researchers at th
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我不知道有多少人消失在来时的路上我不知道有多少声音已经被我们遗忘但我知道你的音乐让我们快乐我知道是你的声音令我们感动我知道音乐可以让你永恒; 立秋了,那个曾高唱着《
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