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在新课改背景下,小学数学课堂教学逐步引入新教学方法,其中数字故事教学就是较受小学生喜欢的方法之一。数字故事教学实质是教师把教学内容合理设计为数字式故事化,通过故事化情景吸引学生学习兴趣,牢固掌握数学基础知识。本文主要从数字故事的课前故事设计、课中具体应用、课后总结反思三个方面,探讨数字故事教学在小学数学课堂教学中的有效应用。 Under the background of the new curriculum reform, the primary mathematics classroom teaching gradually introduces new teaching methods, among which digital story teaching is one of the methods preferred by primary school students. The essence of digital storytelling is that teachers rationally design teaching contents as digital storytelling, attract students’ interest through story-telling situations, and firmly grasp the basic knowledge of mathematics. This article mainly discusses three aspects of the design of the story in front of the digital story, the concrete application of the lesson, the reflection of the lesson after class, and the effective application of the teaching of the digital story in the elementary mathematics classroom teaching.
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