Occurrence of Clinostomum complanatum in Aphanius dispar(Actinoptrygii:Cyprinodontidae) collected fr

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lan_lang_
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Objective:To investigate the possibility of Aphanius dispar(A.dispar) acting as intermediate host for Clinostomum complanalum(C.complanalum),from Mehran River,Hormuzgan Province of Iran.Methods:During a biological study of A.dispar in Mehran River,Hormuzgan Province,South of Iran,a total of 97 fish specimens were collected in 24 January 2006.Results: 4 specimens(4.12%) including 1 male and 3 female were found infected with C.complanalum metacercaria.These metacercaria were coiled in the epiderm on the body surface of infected fishes.The infection is known as yellow spot disease.The parasite abundance,intensity and prevalence were 0.03%,1.25%and 4.12%,respectively.The infection was higher in females than males.Conclusions:To the best of our knowledge,this is the first report on occurrence of C. complanatum metacercaria in A.dispar in Iran. Objective: To investigate the possibility of Aphanius dispar (A.dispar) acting as intermediate host for Clinostomum complanalum (C.complanalum), from Mehran River, Hormuzgan Province of Iran. Methods: During a biological study of A. dispar in Mehran River, Hormuzgan Province, South of Iran, a total of 97 fish specimens were collected in 24 January 2006. Results: 4 specimens (4.12%) including 1 male and 3 female were found infected with C.complanalum metacercaria.These metacercaria were coiled in the epiderm on the body surface of infected fishes.The infection is known as yellow spot disease. The parasite abundance, intensity and prevalence were 0.03%, 1.25% and 4.12%, respectively. The infection was higher in females than males.Conclusions: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on occurrence of C. complanatum metacercaria in A.dispar in Iran.
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