
来源 :中国广播电视学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xushaowei20092009
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展望未来,前程远大,同时深感我们所肩负的历史任务也特别艰巨、复杂,而我们的队伍。无论在思想政治素质方面还是在业务素质方面,都很不适应事业发展的要求。当前还面临着行业不正之风的腐蚀和污染。这股不正之风严重损害了广播电视这个喉舌耳目、桥梁纽带的信誉,已经到了非动手术不可的时候了。本期我们发表了“艾知生同志谈纠正广播电视行业不正之风”一文,当能引起读者的重视,希望敢于充当尖兵的同志们拿起笔来,向这股歪风发起冲击。 Looking forward to the future, we have a long way to go and we deeply feel that the historical tasks we shoulder are also extremely difficult and complicated. Both in terms of ideological and political quality or business quality, are not suited to the requirements of career development. Currently there are also corruptive and polluting industries. This unhealthy trend has seriously damaged the reputation of radio and television as a bridge link and has reached a time of non-operative surgery. In this issue, we published a speech titled “Aizhisheng’s Comrade to Correct the Unhealthy Tenure of the Radio and Television Industry”. When it can arouse readers’ attention and hope that comrades who dare to be pioneers take up their pensions and launch unrest in this unhealthy trend.