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现在,一些有大股东的民企、国企,董秘实际上是为董事长服务,好多人也讲董秘就是董事长秘书,这是不对的。董秘不仅对董事长负责,更多是对董事会负责,其实应该对公司负责董秘和其他高管不一样的地方在于,他(她)的业务领导,是证监局、交易所等证监部门。并且,董秘应该做公司规范运作的“看门人”。由于工作性质特殊,董秘不履职个三五年,别想把里面的道道搞得清清楚楚。所以,轮岗是对董秘工作性质的一种无知。 Now, some large shareholders of private enterprises, state-owned enterprises and board secretaries actually serve for the chairman. Many people also say that the board secretary is the secretary of the board of directors. This is wrong. The Deputy General Manager is not only responsible for the chairman of the board, but also responsible for the board of directors. In fact, the manager should be different from other executives in charge of the company. The business leaders of the company are the securities regulatory bureau, the exchange and other securities regulatory authorities. And, the secretaries should be the standard operating company “janitor ”. Due to the special nature of his work, the Deputy Secretary did not perform his duties for 35-55 years, and did not want to make the internal channels clear. Therefore, rotation is a kind of ignorance on the nature of the work of the Secretary-General.
Multifunctional nanocarriers with multilayer core-shell architecture were prepared by coating superparamagnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles with diblock copolymer folat
当人们提到美国豪华车,林肯一定是个永远绕不过去的名字。近100年来,林肯一直为每个时代提供梦想座驾,历来深受总统、贵族以及影视明星的青睐,成为历史中难忘的回忆之一。 W
名爵Morris Garages品牌创建至今已近百年历史,现如今名爵以其独特的设计、精细的做工和优良的性能的MG系列敞逢跑车闻名于世。不过名爵的发展命运曲折坎坷,从2005年4月英国M
1 代谢综合征概念1.1 临床表现代谢综合征(metabolic syndrome)有6个主要表现:腹部肥胖、能引致动脉粥样硬化性血脂异常、高血压、胰岛素抵抗和(或)葡萄糖耐量不正常、前炎症